
I have a hp pavillion dv6000 and i can't get it to power on. it was on last night and now it won't power on.?

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it was on last night and now it won't power on. the battary is not dead either. anybody know what i should do?




  1. i know this going to sound dumb but it is worth a try.  remove the battery and the power cord and try to turn it on.  I know it is not going to work.  Now only put in the cord and try to power it on.  If it still don't work put in the battery and give it a try.  If this fails you will need your power supply replaced

  2. Maybe try charging it again. If it still doesn't work is it still under warranty? If so ring the manufacturer and go thru them, they'll probably be able to help you more with what's going wrong with your computer than anyone on here would.

  3. Me and my mom have the same computer and she was having the same problem. One night it would work then once you close it, it wont power on. We tried everything and always had to plug it in or else it would die right away. We took it in and told us the battery was running low and needed a new one. ( I don't know how because it was not even a year old.) but they recommended a lithio life battery, its not so cheap but its worth it. Unfortunately for mom they had to replace her computer for a newer one, but turned out better.

  4. I have an HP Pavillion dv2000. I think I know what the problem is. You can try one of the following:

    1. Try leaving it on charge for 5 hours, and try powering it.

    (If first step doesn't work, procede to step 2)

    2. Pull the battery out by sliding the switch below your laptop. Have the power cord plugged in and power your laptop.

    If none of these worked, then I think your fan blew. When you had your laptop on for the day, did you have a lot of programs running? Also, does the blue light around the power cord light up when you plug it in? I know that HP pavillion laptops have this light at the end of the power cord on their laptop. Its a round blue light and when you plug in the cord, it should light up. Does yours light up? If it lights up, then it may be a blown fan, but if it doesn't light up, you may have a short-circuited or blown power supply. If it won't light up, you might have to send your laptop in to HP's company to see what the trouble may be. Hope this helped!

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