
I have a huge fear that I NEED to get over. Please help!?

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Okay, so I am one of the millions of people who wear glasses. But mine drive me insane! My friend says she is going to get contacts and I am coming with her, but I can't get contacts because I have a huge fear of touching my eye! Does anyone else have this fear, and how did you get over it? To people with contacts, what is it like and what are some tequniques to getting used to it?

Thank you SO MUCH! :D




  1. I know how you feel, I hate anything near my eyes and can't stand anyone or anything touching them however, I wear contacts and I don't have that fear when it comes to the contacts.  I love them.

  2. my friend had your exact problem, but managed to prepare herself and now always wears contacts, she's much happier for it.

  3. Practice is what it takes.  It's really no big deal and only takes a day or so to get used to them. Some people don't have any problem from the get go.  There are many to choose from and they are so thin and comfortable now.  Give it a shot, your doctor will put them in for the first time for you.  Good luck!

  4. practice little by little, if you really want it you will over come your fear!  Good Luck  

  5. I wear contacts, and have since the 7th grade.  I never really had a problem with touching my eye, but I've done it for years.  My advice would be to go to the bathroom, wash your hands, and DON'T dry them.  Open your eyelids and touch your eye with the skin on your finger.  Fingernails are sharp- don't put them in your eye.  If your fingers are moist, you will feel no pain... dry skin just feels a little itchy.  Putting contacts in takes practice, but you need to get used to touching your eyes.  Cut your fingernails if you have them.  Putting a contact in feels nice (depending on the brand).  I use Acuvue Oasis.  It feels like a hug on my eye :D.  I love wearing contacts, but sometimes they get irritated and that's the worst part.  Getting them out requires grabbing them, so get used to touching that eye!!  Don't waste money on contacts if you can't get over this fear!

  6. okay well i have glasses but i use contacts i was scared adn nervous when i first got them but im fine now.

    what i did was when i got contacts i would say to myslef its fine and stuff like that if it helps you can look away when u put it in your eye its not bad it doesnt even feel like your touching your eye.


  7. just think to yourself that i want to look pretty and i have to wear the contacts no matter what! that is what i did and now I'm happy with how i look. just put them on. you know you have to.

  8. ok so i'm supposed to wear glasses too... but i choose to wear contacts... and i also had a fear of poking my eye out.... you get used to it over time. and ur eye docter shows you the proper technique for putting on, and taking off your contacts.

  9. Forget lenses,try laser

  10. I wear glasses as well,and they're such a pain i hate them. so i understand what you're going through. basically, i now wear lenses. im fine putting them in, but like you,i had a huge fear. sitting in the opticians with somebody who works there and friends/family watching you trying desperately to get them in does no favours. so firstly id ask if you can take a few pairs home and try them in the privacy of your own home.

      secondly i have my own method for putting lenses in. i hope it helps you. put a finger on your top lid and one on your bottom to make sure your eye is open, then look down towards the floor. take a deep breath and slowly move the lense towards your eye until you 'feel' it click into place. because your looking down at the floor, the lense isnt being immediately placed onto the most sensitive part of your eye, rather onto the white of your eye.which means you dont really feel it at all. dont worry, the lense WILL NOT shift underneath your lids once you move your eye, it'll stay in place. practise really does make perfect. good luck, let me know how it works out.

  11. I think almost everyone is fearful at first. It took me a few times at the eye doctor's to get mine in the first time.

    The trick is to do it in front of a mirror and to look in the mirror the entire time you're putting them in. So basically just looking past your finger. If you look at your finger coming straight at your eye, of course it's going to be scary.

    It's really not a big deal once you get used to it. And it's not painful or anything, so don't be afraid of that.

  12. I had the same fear before I got contacts!

    It takes some getting used to, but it's really not bad.

    Before you even get the contacts, try washing your hands then just touch your eyes like you're putting in a contact.  My eye doctor had me do this and it made it easier to overcome my fear.

    But it was so worth it!

    Good Luck!!!

  13. well you shudnt really be scared to touch your eyes. besides when you use contacts you dont touch your eye you just place the contact lens on your eye. ummm.. well when you have contacts you just have to try not to keep them dry try to carry eye drops or something to keep them wet. i had contacts for a while before. but i didnt need them i just used them for the fun of et. i dunno from mah experience i say they aint so bad. (well not at all) =]]]

    good luk.

  14. Hey!

       I used to have glasses- and i hated them. i looked so dorky.  so i thought contacts would be no big deal when i got them. but then i freaked out. i thought i was going to poke my self in th eye with my nail or something. over come your fear by doing th is:

        just try pulling your bottom lid down with one hand and look up and touch the bottom of your eye. it might feel weird at first but it doesnt hurts at all. and with cotacts you dont acctually TOUCH your eye. it's easy. and youll get over it as soon as you try it. you'll be fine.

         good luck (;

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