
I have a huge problem what would u do ?

by  |  earlier

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i have a huge problem ..before what I'm about to say this is what I'm going to say me and my ex hubby went to cali we had a good time visiting my family until we went to a party and we got drunk and stuff ..but there was this one drunk guy that i know that wanted me to go to his house but i kept telling him no i don't wanna go I'm engaged and I'm happy with who I'm with and i have a beautiful baby with him .the next day i told him what had happen cause i felt like he should know and i trust him he ended up getting upset and mad at me ..days later we would argue over small lil problems that could of been settled fast he was about to leave me and the 3 month old baby in la without any money or nothing i started to cry alot in front of alot of people asking him to don't leave to mexico i told him if he doesn't think about the baby growning up without a father ..he didn't say anything and we talked and he ended up staying .. we get back to ny and we started talking about how we wanted to move there and he said we both got to work i was fine with it next day we both going job hunting for me and him i applied at some jobs but he didn't find any places to apply to .. that night i told him that we was going to find a job for him in the morning he said to me that he doesn't want me to go because he don't wanna be carrying the stroller up and down the step of the subway i said ok then I'm going to take the baby carrier he said ok if u wanna go then go ... that same night i have been told by my half brother that he doesn't want me living in his apartment and for us to move i told my husband what happened and all he said was that he don't wanna hear it ,next morning my real brother came to my room and cane to visit the baby while me and my brother was talking my husband got up from bed and started to get dress i told him to wait for me and he did not say ne thing he gave me a kiss and just walked out the door ,mind u that my brother and him gets along good ..I'm thinking that he went to go look for a job where he told me he was going to check and that they had gave him a job on the spot waiting and waiting he never showed up...24 hrs went by and still he haven't came home i go out to look for him where he said he was going to go but they said that he never-ed showed up weird , i go to his brothers job nearby and he said that he came to his house at 11 in the morning telling him that he was going to go to mexico . i started crying thinking to myself how could he just leave me like that with the baby and knowing that my half bro is kicking us out ..also without thinking about his daughter i asked him if he said ne thing else but he said that we got into a agreement last night and it isn't true ..i went home crying and i could believe it when i got home b/c i saw that his passport wasn't there he took it with him . i no its true i got the number where hes staying at his sis picks up the phone but she always says that he isn't there it bother me so much b/c he abandon us with out any money , and knowing that my half bro wants us out and with the baby with half a box of diapers he also took my stuff as in my sony camera my c and my jewleryengagedment ring ,two gold chains ,and a pair of diamond earring if i had those things i know i could of sold it so at least i could get some money out of it now I'm staying at my moms house but now i working on getting a job its kinda ruff also i need a babysitter ( every where it expensive) and i have to pay for now since i don't got any ged diploma or anything i know i cant get paid good money to pay of babysitter for my train fare neither the baby's formula and pampers i wanna go look for him where hes at and give him a surprise but alot of people say that they kidnap ne one and i also could get lost and raped should i go and speak with him or what should i do ?




  1. dont risk it, get a job, and take care of the baby as much as possile,welfare may be the best option here.

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