
I have a huge problem with the hand-outs in this country...?

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The welfare system is one of the biggest wastes of tax dollars across the board. I feel that what it was intended for and what it is today are opposites, it has become a way of life for many that are fully capable of holding a job. What do you think can be done to end this? Do you feel that making people accountable/ responsible for themselves is wrong?




  1. Most people on welfare work regular jobs.  They are single mothers who end up having children who have their own children out of wedlock or relationships.  The system is broken I agree, but to cut off funding is like cutting off a heroin addict.

    I agree that something should be done, but to assume everyone on welfare is unemployed is false.  I believe you are required to hold a job to qualify for funds.

  2. Priceless.  Do you know, public parks are being destroyed and football stadiums put in their place with your tax dollars?  Luxury golf courses you will never see (unless you happen to be a millionaire) are built and kept up with your tax dollars.  Fines levied against giant corporations for criminal negligence are paid with your tax dollars.  Illegal wars costing billions of dollars and thousands of lives are paid for with your tax dollars, but by all means shake down the poor.  Ah, the poor rich, ah the rich poor.  Amazing there's any difference between them.

  3. I comlpetely agree with you.  We need to "trim the fat" that is handouts to able-bodied bumbs strung out on drugs and alcohol.  Of course, whenever this gets brought up you get someone on here that brings up a friend's cousin's brother's son that has brain damage and needs some assistance.  I am not talking about that type of person.  I am talking about  people out there sucking down tax payer dollars while just sitting on their lazy asses.

    Cut pork barrel spending too, while you're at it.

  4. If you know of someone who is capable of working but is on welfare as "a way of life" report them to the welfare fraud division or agency in your state. That's the single, best way to address the issue.  

    If you don't know anyone who is on welfare as "a way of life," what is the basis of your question?  I don't want to sound preachy, but I've heard people say the same thing in real life and asked them "who?  give me their name and I'll report them."  The answer I get is, "Well, _I_ don't know anyone on welfare, but _some_ people take advantage, you have to admit."  

    Of course some people do take advantage of welfare, the same that they take advantage of the IRS through mis-reporting income; take advantage of their teachers by lying about where their homework is; or take advantage of Wal-Mart through five-finger discounts. We all pay for those frauds just as much as we pay for welfare fraud.

    Another thing you can do is petition the government to have more funding of the welfare program for staff or computer systems. While this might seem counter-intuitive, the more funding there is for staff, the less might be spent on the program because staff will be able to make the appropriate determinations about potential fraud.  

    here's the fact: Welfare disbursement is done by a bureaucracy that disburses billions of dollars to millions of people; there are hard-and-fast rules established to ensure that everyone is treated fairly. Application of those rules to the applying population is straightforward, but time consuming. Overworked and understaffed units cannot appropriately screen every individual who sits across from his or her desk...they do the best they can, make a decision pursuant to the rules, and then move on to the next person.

    No, making people accountable/responsibile for themselves is not wrong, but giving people minor amounts of financial support (typical grant is less than $400/month) while they go to school to get a GED or associates isn't wrong, either.  

    80% or more of the people on welfare need to be there. The 20% or less who don't should be reported as welfare fraud to get the money where it needs to go.

  5. You're getting worked up over a relatively minor problem.  Find a worthwhile cause.

  6. I am srry, though I agree with most of your rant.. I think the biggest waste of taxpayers money is the inordinate amount spent on Congressional health care.

    Fixed for life... and what other tax paying  citizen gets that guaranteed?

    Let them pay a little bit of health care... and we will see some health care reform

  7. do you have a problem with th handouts given to the State of Israel?

    Do you have a problem with governmental grants for college students?

    How about corporate grants and write off's government offers businesses?

  8. Welfare benefits must only be given to deserving people and not to those who are lazy.  Indolence will be encouraged by welfare.

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