
I have a huge sleeping disorder, i need help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i go to sleep in between 4-8 am and i wake up at 12-3 pm, this is really BAD! school will start in 12 days, i need to learn to wake up at6-5 am and sleep at 8-10 pm, how do i do this!! i've tried almost everything, although drugs, i've told my parents that i have insomnia but they wont take me seriously, help!!




  1. I have this same problem. My parents keep yelling at me that I need to get to sleep earlier to prepare for school. But one morning my friend wanted me to do some volunteer work with her so I had to get up at 8AM. I put my alarm on and tried to go to bed at 1. But laid there for a while and I probably ended up going to bed at 3AM. The next day I felt okay for a while but was terribly tired. I ended up taking a nap at 9PM and going to bed a little later. So just shock your system by having to wake up early. This is what helped me.  

  2. This evening, pretend that tomorrow is the first day of school and try to follow your usual schedule.  If you think you'll have problems sleeping, try reading a book and listening to music right before you go to sleep.  Ask your parents if it's okay for you to use Tylenol.  Sometimes Tylenol will relax you enough to sleep.  Avoid any rigorous activities and caffeine for three hours prior to going to bed.

    Set your alarm for 5:00am and actually get up at that time and go through your normal routine.  Try to stay up as long as possible.  Take a short nap in the afternoon if you feel you need it.  You will probably fail the first couple of days but then you'll begin to notice that your body is actually getting used to the new schedule and by the first day of school you'll be ready to go.  Good luck.

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