
I have a huge slice i am 12 and i hit it 190 with my driver what should i do should i buy a square drive?

by  |  earlier

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i have a verdict 10degree titanium




  1. The mechanic has to learn to hit a golf ball. The tools are fine. The problem is in your swing, not in the driver. Learn to swing properly, and the slice will be eliminated. First strengthen your grip by placing the thumb of your lead hand behind the center of your shaft so that the club head comes into the impact area in a slightly closed position.

  2. I suggest taking from the local club professional at the nearest golf course or the course where you have a membership. Lessons help a lot. They get you on track with your game and they always make a substantial difference in your golf game.

  3. i agree with the one person its not the club especially at that age. if you hit the rest of your clubs fairly good that shorten up your back swing and make sure you follow through. alot of the time when someone hits there driver they try and kill it. listen distance doesn't mean anything when you are a hundred yards into the next fairway. the guy in the correct fairway will always have the advantage. distance will come but just slow down and try and straighten it out first. but yes take lessons. talk to your school golf coach. they shouldn't have a problem helping you out especially since you will be most likely playing for them later on. but don't get new clubs because that doesn't solve the underlaying problem. you. hope this helps bud. good luck.

  4. Take a lesson, look up anything you can on "hitting from the inside".

    You need to slow down and let gravity take the club on the right path and not try to muscle it.  Here is a good drill that works well...

    Grip the club very loosely and take an easy swing, but don't hold the followthrough.  Let it swing back into your backswing again and just do that back and forth for about a minute.  Your club will find a very nice path if you do it right, nice and loose and easy.  That's how it needs to be.  Do it often and you may even cure that slice!

  5. It's probably not a good idea to purchase a new driver at this point. I would recommend taking a look at getting a golf lesson from your local pro. Chances are, you will just end up slicing the new club also.

  6. its not the arrow its the indian.....look into a golf are smart for starting early...its a game you can play your hole life

  7. Changing equipment won't fix your slice.  You need to change your swing.

    Slice is caused by either open club face or open stance.  Either you are gripping the club where the club face is open or turning too early with your body, causing the club face to open at impact.

    Try moving your right hand grip a bit clockwise to the right so when your club head reaches the ball, it's more 'closed'.  Also try to keep your head behind the ball at impact (forces your body to not turn as much BEFORE impact).

  8. Take your money and get lessons instead of a new driver.

    If you band aid your swing now with a special anti slice club you will ingrain your swing and have a harder time fixing the problem in the future.

    In the mean time play your slice off the tee or hit an iron off the tee on the tight holes.

  9. it doesn't matter if it's square or not. whatever works for your swing get it. If you can hit it really well that's the driver you want.

  10. what you are going want to do is, Line your left foot even with the ball if you are right handed and start your back swing right behind the ball.(put the club head right behind the ball) If you are left handed then its opposite. When taking your back swing, keep your arms straight until they bend. When they bend, you only want to bend your elbows 90 degrees. When coming back down you bring your arms back straight, shifting your weight forward and follow through. Because your are standing behind the ball, your club will be on its way up in the follow through which will give you the power and air you need to drive further. Keeping your arms straight during the backswing and follow through should correct the slice. The speed you bring the club back is the speed you want to follow through with. The momentum and the weight of the club will do the rest.

  11. you should find an instructoe to help your slice.  While square drivers or high MoE drivers can help to reduce a slice/hook by reducing the amount of spin you put on a ball, if you are severely slicing it, you need to change something in your technique.  And without seeing your swing, anything I would offer, would be a pure guess.  


  12. I bought a Taylor Made Burner Driver Draw to fix my slices, but it didn't work. So I signed up for a golf lesson. Just after my second lessons I fixed it. Don't get a new driver,sign up for a lesson, it will save you alot of money.

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