
I have a important test but I have a really bad memory!What should I do?

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I thinki can't remember anything from book and that's a really important test for me.What should I do?




  1. You could try linking the points that you need to remember by using a word. Each letter in the word being the first word of the point or key word that you need to remember. As in Mars, Mercury, asteroid, rings, Sauturn. Or imagine a short story that includes the key words. The way that I remembered was to write key points on post-its and stick them around the house, next to the bathroom mirror and next to your bed or on the fridge etc, if you keep looking at them you are more likely to remember. Best of luck.

  2. Whenever I have to study for a test, I make up a silly song about the material that I need to remember. The sillier the better. That way, I can sing it in my head during the exam and have a better chance of retaining the material. Good luck!

  3. One of the things I learned years ago was how to study. I thank these teachers everyday, since I still use this method to remember peoples name and other info. The trick is to use a point of reference like word association. Try and pick something to relate to what you want to remember. Whether it's a person you know or a place to associate to the subject matter. Good Luck

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