
I have a inside cat that just had kittens 5 months ago ?

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i have a inside cat that had kittens 5 months ago i got her spayed since she got spayed she has been bitchy and beating up on her babies is this normal with all cats or should i call my vet and see what he says need help i love my cat




  1. I'm sorry you are having trouble with her. Somehow I think this has to do with hormones. I would recommend you have a talk with the Vet and see if medicine could make her better.

  2. Yeah...this is normal cat behavior.  I was in a similar situation.  My cat had one kitten so we decided to keep the baby.  After I got her spayed, she got really aggressive toward me and the baby.  Cats and dogs moods change after they get spayed and neutered.  Most of them get calm and lazy, but others get feisty and mean...especially if they have gone into heat and had a litter before surgery.  You are probably going to have to get rid of some of the kittens.  This will help calm her down.

  3. She might be jealous.  

  4. Do you give her the same amount of attention that you gave her before?  She might be jealous.  You should try to give her a little more attention.

    Plus, as long as there isn't any blood or cuts then don't worry. Cats create a hierarchy and she is trying to affirm her place on top.  Also, the cats might just be playing.  I'd bud out unless there is a reason you should intervene.

    Hopefully you fixed all the kittens.  Since you kept them for 5 months and they are pretty much cats size now they would be almost impossible to adopt out.  If you brought them to a pound, they'd probably be put down at this point.

    EDIT: Cats live in colonies in the wild.  That's why feral cats are usually found in groups.  Also, if you let the cats outdoors you'll probably be faced with a lot more vet bills and the cats will be a lot younger when they die.

  5. she will only be like that for awhile... it will pass.  

  6. It is normal for indoor cats to do this.  It is a combination of jealousy and boredom.  I personally don't really agree with keeping cats indoors they need allot of stimulation and get bored easily.  I suggest buying them lots of cat toys and scratching pads.  If she continues to this it would probably be best to rehome her kittens.  Sorry but I cannot think of anything else. Good luck

  7. You should call your vet

  8. She is in pain. That's what my veterinarian had said.

  9. this behaviour is entirely normal, it is your cats way of telling the kittens that they need to leave the nest. Cats  such as lions do this in the wild to force the young to move away and form their own prides. Your cat is exhibiting normal behaviour over her territory and reinforcing her role as the dominant cat. Perhaps you now need to consider finding good homes for the kittens as at 5 months old they are more than ready to go to new homes. If you do re home the kittens your cat will feel more secure. Hope this helps.

  10. Don't Worry It While Be Gone.

  11. When in doubt, go to the vet.

  12. she may be jealous  so you need to give your cat more attention,what is she doing to hurt her babys?? also mabe give your kittens away and keep one.

  13. She may be having hormonal adjustment problems, or she may just not be a maternal type, or she may just not like other cats...

    Like some people shouldn't have kids, some cats shouldn't either...

    To be on the safe side, give your vet a call. No need to go in unless (s)he advises you that it's necessary, but giving your vet a call can't hurt...not like they're going to charge you for it. That's what they're there for!

  14. By now I think she no longer considers them her kittens if they are five months old. Most kittens have found new homes or gone off on their own on farms etc by that age. If it is bad enough that she is harming the kittens, I would do some research on cat behavior and if you don't come up with anything, then call the vet. There may be something wrong with her and she is acting out.

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