
I have a jiu jitsu competition tomorrow and i need to lose about 10 pounds, what is the best way to drop this?

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I am 5'11 and weigh about 158 and i want to get down to 149.9 by saturday morning. What would be the best and safest way to drop these extra pounds. I don't want to lose strength with it.




  1. take a dump. dont eat anything between now and about 2 hours before you go (and eat lightly then) ...and dont drink much water. ...oh and sweat.

    its almost too late man honestly. dropping weight that fast really drains you and my hurt your performance.

    weight can be a great it mandatory?

  2. Maybe try chopping off one of your legs and if that doesn't work, take an arm too.

  3. you are extremely to late to cut 10 pounds. wow that would be suicide. but the safest way to do it isn't safe at all. Get a suna suit and some sweat pants and run in a gym or ride a stationary bike. then take some laxitive to get the water out of you and just pray u don't die. but i hope u know u won't win any events or w/e if u do this. good luck and to be honest i don't think u should do this. you should start cuttin weight at least a month or 2 ahead of the event.

  4. the best way would have been to start cutting a month back, their no longer are safe, or "best" ways to drop the weight, u will lose strength cutting that weight their is no physically possible way, ur gona have to stop eating, drinking, throw on a sauna suit, with several layers of clothing on it, jump on a olyptical or another cardio machine and run,boy run, ur gona be running for hours, anywhere from 3 or 4 hours, maybe more, starting chewing gum, and spitting in a bucket or water bottle as u run, run until ur with in of 151, then go to bed early, sleep is a great way to lose weight plus it might help u get back some of ur energy, if u do this u will make the weight, after the weigh ins have gatorade, powerbars, and peidalyte ready so u can rehydrate,

    this process will leave u drained but at this point u have no other options  

  5. It is not a good idea to lose that much weight that fast.

  6. put on a sweatshirt n heavy sweatpants and then either go on a treadmill oliptical or bike

  7. You're way too late. Only way now is to stop eating and drinking and get into the sauna with a stationary bike.

    You will lose strength and stamina. Sorry but that's the way the human body works.

  8. Okay, you either are the most stupidest jiu-jitsu practictioner on earth or have never competed in a jiu-jitsu competition and just want to be cool on this board. You are not supposed to cut this much weight in such a short amount of time for obvious reasons. Even if you manage to cut this weight, you will be fatigued and won't be able to compete with your fullest potential.

  9. **** two solid gold bricks and dont eat till tomorro Eggs

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