
I have a judgment aginst me for keeping deposit money from one of my tenants i won in court but the judgment

by  |  earlier

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The judgment is on my credit report ( i need it off) i sent a copy of the court papers showing i won to all three credit bureaus but its still there . What should i do?




  1. I am confused with your statement!  If you have a judgement against you, then YOU owe that person the money.  Therefore, a judge granted this judgement.  So, how is it that you won in court if the judgement is against you???  Or do you mean that you have a judgement in your favor?  Meaning, someone owes YOU money???

    Anyways, I do not think a judge can grant a judgement in favor one the other person and then you turn around and sue the person for the same thing and you win!

    So, if the judgement is AGAINST you, then yes, it will be on the credit report and will not be erased until it is paid.  

  2. Please clarify.  If you have a judgment against you, how can you win?  A judgment against you means that you lost.  Unless you appealed, and they subsequently reversed the judgment, it seems that you owe your tenants money.

  3. Call the credit bureaus and find out why they haven't removed it yet.  

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