
I have a kindergarten interview at a Christian school and need advice!?

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I have an interview for a kindergarten position at a Christian school and was wondering what types of questions I can expect to be asked. Obviously, I know there will be the basic education questions, but what types of religious questions will be asked?

Please help ASAP!!




  1. Don't have the questions, but I do admire you for wanting to teach kindegarten

  2. First of all they may ask you what church you belong to or if you attend any church at all ,secondly, they may ask how well are you with children,if you know any medical help if something may go wrong with one of the children then just questions that are expected like what is you educated with child, have you done any pass work or what are your teaching skills. stuff like that.and like some private schools pattle children so, they may modify that also. happy that i could help!

  3. I teach at a private Christian school.  I was asked:

    What church do you attend?

    How involved in your church are you?

    Tell me about when you were saved.

    Why do you want to work in a Christian school?

    And, I did have to sign a statement of faith stating that I believe Jesus is God's Son, He arose on the third day, etc.

  4. Are you a Christian? Because at a Christian school, you will need to teach religion. Obviously they don't want a non Christian teaching religion. Is the school a particular denomination? If so, are you that denomination? They will probably ask what your personal religious beliefs.

  5. You may (or may not) be asked to sign a "Statement of Faith" to be employed there.  So just be sure where you stand on your doctrinal issues.  Some schools are really strict about all their teachers adhering to certain tenets of faith, but others are not.  These others may ask if you're a practicing Satanist or Wiccan, and if you're not, it's cool.  Depends on the school, whether it's church-supported or independent of any particular church...

    Good luck!

  6. Not many religious questions except for the basic ones

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