
I have a kitten that won't feed?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, my cat, had 2 kittens, 2 weeks ago.

The first one died because it was pre-mature, but this second one is perfectly healthy. The only problem is that its only 2 weeks old and it won't feed from my cat. This stopped a ouple of days ago, but its still living. It won't even lift it's head! Do I need to start bottle feeding it?




  1. Get some kitten milk replacement INTO that kitten NOW...ASAP.  It's life depends on it.  2 days without food, may mean it's too late already!  Good luck.............

  2. Do you know why it stopped nursing?  Did mama's milk dry up already?  I've heard sometimes it does.  I would definitely get a bottle and feed her kitten milk.  I'm concerned about it not lifting its head and you may need to take the baby to a vet.

  3. Yes, and call your vet - he/she will have the proper tools to do this.  You have to get specific formula for newborns.  DO NOT use milk - cats can not tolerate pasteurized milk and can get very ill from it.  If your vet does not have weekend hours, or a phone number where they can be reached, call your local SPCA - they can help also...or a local PetSmart/PetCo can help possibly if the other two aren't available.

  4. basically most pet storeswill be closed now,but in case you need milk tonight

    Here is a recipe

    that has proved successful:

    1/2 cup of evaporated milk

    1/2 cup of water

    1/10 cup of single cream

    2 drops of water soluble vitamins

    This is a stock supply and should be kept in

    the refrigerator; warm any portion you feed

    to the kittens. If you use a commercial

    preparation, follow the directions of

    the manufacturer. Clean and sterilize all

    utensils and bottles after each


    The kitten should be fed every 2 hours for the first 2 weeks of life, 4 hours for the next two weeks. For the two weeks following, the kitten should be fed every 6 hours, along with the kitten having access to a small bowl of moist canned food. At the end of the last two weeks, your kitten will be about 6 weeks old, and should be fully weaned onto the canned food.  At 8 weeks of age, dry, hard food may be introduced and a combination of both should be fed until 10-12 weeks of age.  At 12 weeks of age, you can just feed the kitten dry food, as this will help strengthen the teeth and keep them healthy.

    Now, during this infant stage, there are a few things you will need to do.  The mother cat stimulated the kitten to urinate and defecate by l*****g the anal area.  You are going to have to do this... stimulate it by taking a warm damp cloth or baby wipe and gently rubbing the anal area.  This will cause the baby to defecate and urinate

  5. Yes go to wallmart and get kitten milk and call a vet.  

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