
I have a laptop and one of the....?

by Guest58868  |  earlier

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arrow keys broke off!!!!!

I can't seem to get it back on,

What can I do????




  1. Service center. No where else.

  2. call where ever you got it and see if you can just bring it in too see if they can just push it or use a tool or if you have a mac like me take it to the apple store! :]] That happened to my old pc laptop and i was able to push it back in.

    Anyway take my advice and bring into the store where you got it!!

    Let me know if this works!!! :]]

    Good Luck

  3. I wouldnt recommend a "fix-it-yourself" thing. If you struggle to put the key back in, you might damage the keyboard. I would take it to a computer repair shop/store, eg. Best Buy, Circuit City, CompUSA.  

  4. get a new one

  5. take it were u bought it to fix it

  6. These are usually quite cheap. Depending on the type of laptop, you can go in and get it repaired or the key replaced. If it was a clean break, you may be able to buy an individual arrow key.

    Online websites could be easy as well.

  7. keep trying lol :)

    you'll get it on eventually :)


  8. just pop it back in, or super glue, or hot glue.

    your welcome!

  9. p**p

  10. If you had it for less than a year you can send it to the company because it is under a warranty most likely. If not then you will have to pay to get it fixed.

  11. Im not sure but my best suggestion would be to apply a small amount of superglue on the center of the underside of the arrow key. Then replace the key back to the position it once was. ;D good luck!

  12. Hey you could try checking out Ebay for a replacement pad, dont suppose it would cost much. You could also use a pencil to press the button thats what i had to do for a few days.

  13. Like my coach says.. Duck Tape fixes everything!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. u r gonna have to fix it at a pc maintenance shop  

  15. What brand is it?? because you can take it to the store to get it fixed!!!

  16. when did u buy the laptop? if its not pass 30 days then i think you can return it or complain to the store you bought it from. they should give you a new one if you just bought it not a while ago.

  17. I suggest you use a hot glue gun to try to stick the plastic key part onto the little rubber pad on the actual keyboard.

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