
I have a large amount of spiders in and around my home. How do I get rid of them or reduce their numbers.

by  |  earlier

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Is there any scent or product that will keep them out of the house? Any help???




  1. go to home depot tell them whats your problem thay will fix you up or wallmart lows any were like that good luck

  2. we have some one come to our house and spray it u should try that

  3. Go to the store and buy Mint extract...fill a spray bottle with it and spray liberally.  Worked in my house

  4. There are chemicals you can get. Also, supposedly, hedge apples will keep them away. Also basil works.

  5. Don't try to get rid of them! They'll seek revenge. Instead, befriend them, make them your minions, and then send them to do evil for you.

  6. Turn your home into a bird sanctuary!

  7. Craft Stores sell Eucalyptus sprigs. Place these around doorways and windows and the spiders will leave.

  8. Go to a hardware store and ask them for a spray to get rid of spiders...

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