
I have a large number of slugs in my garden,can you eat them? well they eat everything i grow !?

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I have a large number of slugs in my garden,can you eat them? well they eat everything i grow !?




  1. Put a saucer of beer out into your garden.  A glass is too tall for them to crawl into.  They love beer and will go to that rather than your plants.

  2. i just want to bite off their little faces then burn them alive. sorry they have completely murdered my beautiful lupin. no don't eat them just keep pelleting the monsters.

  3. leave a glass of lager out at night ,,they drink , and when in the morning there hung over,,pick them up and move them on ,

  4. my daughter did, ugh,   they look good melting when covered in salt

    ha ha

  5. You can if you like, but personally I dont fancy them

  6. No dont eat them...cover them in salt x

  7. Eat them! The French do (Snails anyway)

    And on Friends it says:

    "We don't swim in your toilet, so you don't pee in our pool"

    This is obviously a kind of metaphor for this kind of thing!

  8. Eat them? Ewwwwww.  They are the slimiest creatures on earth. I don't know what their composition is but it's alien to anything else in the garden.

    You can control them with an iron phosphate such as Sluggo. This is biodegradable and not harmful to pets or wildlife. It even helps amend your soil with iron which is good for your plants as opposed to slugs which are bad for you plants.

  9. This summer is so wet that slugs are living it up. They will eat everything except weeds and a few mature plants such as marrow (hairy leaves, but will eat the marrow/courgette). Some birds eat them. Unlike snails, they are not good eating for humans. But they have one major use, if you are not squeamish. The slime is apparently good for the skin and is used by some women as anti-wrinkle treatment.

  10. Haha, you can eat snails so i guess you can eat slugs,

    I was laughing at this because it reminded me of my mother telling me that cough medicine was made out of slugs when i was kid! EWWW!

  11. Supposedly Hermann Löns, a German journalist, curious about slugs once sampled the slime by l*****g it from his fingers. Apparently he lost his appetite for days due to the taste and feel of the slime. The slime is hygroscopic meaning it absorbs water. The slime is the slugs protection, since it absorbs water from saliva quite well it actually discourages predators with the nasty mouth feel. Therefore raccoons cleverly roll slugs in dirt and swallow them whole to just avoid the problem. So if you wish to try them copy the raccoons, coat them & swallow whole.

    The Russian River Slugfest  once offered a bake off using slugs. Offerings of banana sluganoff, and slugs of gin were plentiful. There is a book 'The Last Annual Slugfest' by Susan Dunlap that is a murder mystery based on the event.

  12. This would be my answer, so I copied it--People have eaten slugs and survived, so why don't we do this? ..... If you can manage to prepare and eat garden slugs, you have my sincere admiration. ...

  13. Dont eat them - thay carry parasites that cause lungworms.  Not a nice way to go I'm afraid !

  14. you can, but would you want to ?

  15. What a horrible thought! Anyway, even edible snails are supposed to be "purged" by being fed a pure diet, before they are eaten. I suppose if you did that, you might be able to eat slugs, but I wouldn't fancy them.

    Leave them for the thrushes!

  16. Suppose you could  but I wouldn't fancy them  ..   true though  they will eat almost anything that grows,  except weeds ,,  I use pellets  or beer traps  to  minimise the damage they  do ..        

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