
I have a late flight arriving at Miami International Airport (1AM) and was wondering where do you get your?

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luggage. Do you have to back passed the medal detectors first? Because I would like to get my luggage and then go by where people are waiting for flights and then sleep on the floor until about 6am when my friend can get me. He lives an hour away and I don't want to pay for a hotel/taxi. Also there are no bus routes that late that can take me to a hostel. So this is the option I want to do, but will it be possible? or will I already be out of the sleeping area's to get me luggage?




  1. hi you

    you get your luggage in the normal way no matter what time a flight lands after come off the plane you make your way to where the coracle's are and when you have your bags it is then up to you

  2. You will be outside the gate areas, but there's no reason you couldn't hang out in the baggage claim area.  I see people do it all the time.

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