
I have a lawn tractor that suddenly I could not start with the key.It does start if I jump it. Battery is fin,

by Guest63026  |  earlier

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It's got to be a specific point the connection isn't getting to another point Right. I think this is an easy fix




  1. my tractor did this several years ago.  i replaced the starter switch and it was fine.  yes it's an easy fix

  2. you have a long    i mean a short

    good luck

  3. Don't know if you are jumping it by shorting the wires at the key, but this would tell you if the problem is with the switch or elsewhere.

    If it is elsewhere, you could just jumper closer and closer to the solenoid or starting motor.

  4. is it petrol could be theres not enuff petrol to start it if u havent used it for a while then u could do with cleanin out the points on it and just givin battery a charge even if its fine thats all i remember from my hubbys ride on mower he had same problem. once u jump it leave the tractor runnin for about 10 mins it gives chance for the battery to restart it when its turned off.

  5. It depends on just what you are jumping. If you are jumping the switch only then it is a bad switch. If you are jumping right to the starter  then it could be a bad solonoid.

    BUT, and more likely and more common , to start my mower, the blade must be disengaged (blade safety switch) the clutch must be in (clutch safety switch) and I think I have to be on the seat (I forget since I usually am on seat but I know it kills it if I get off and the blade is engaged).

    So there are two or three safeties you need to check as it easily could be one of those switches, a loose connector to one of them (most likely) or a broken wire in that part of the circuit.

    Although very possible, don't assume it is the key switch right off without checking the rest of the circuit and those safeties.    Get out your meter.

    Good Luck.

  6. that is crazy, will not start on its own, but will start if you place jumper cables on it??? maybe your making a connection to the electrical system when you place the jumper on the wires???? try cleaning the connection between the wires and battery??

  7. Not sure why you say the battery is fine.  It won't start the tractor.  When you jump it it starts, sounds like a bad battery to me.  Where  are you connecting the jumper cables?  That would be a big help on finding your problem.

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