
I have a learning disability and why did school not?

by Guest64652  |  earlier

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get easier as I got older it kept getting more difficult? Why did people tell me to give up?

I guess 30 years ago that was a common practice

because there were not the resources. My parents

gave up on me too,told me I was nothing but a

disappointment to them. I never did well on tests,

I did not know how to study. what happened

to being older and wiser then school should get

easier not more difficult.




  1. generally, when people - and teachers - give up on a student, it is because they don't have any more ideas of how to help.  It comes out that the student is at fault for having a problem that can't be fixed - not the teacher.  

    I think school gets easier once a student learns the basic tools to learn: reading, writing, study habits, math, science. If you haven't mastered those things well enough to be a successful student, it is harder for things to get "easier".  

    being a disappointment to your parents can be a pretty sad thing to hear.  sometimes maturing into an adult, getting some life experience, holding a job - all combined together - can make some areas of learning seem more simple than they were when you were a child.  you can always teach yourself with books, computer searching, life learning or ???  you are never too old to learn - and you may have some answers for others right here - go to a category and see where your life's lessons can help out someone else.

    good luck

  2. I too have a learning disability.  I'm dyslexic.  It takes a lot of hard work but I completed college and I've had several writing jobs and I'm an avid reader.  When I was going to school, people just thought you were stupid when you could not read properly.  Somehow, people knew I was not stupid and people including teachers had faith in me and helped me.  I graduated with a 3.98 gpa.  It took me longer to do things and read things; but, I'm extremely intelligent.  You need to have faith in yourself and go to somebody who can help you.  They understand things these days and yes, there are more resources.  Don't give up on yourself.

  3. Ok, if you know the problem fix it!!

    Don't blame anyone else after your 20, its YOUR JOB

  4. School gets harder because you never had the right teachers to teach you the basics. If you don't learn to add or subtract, you can't multiply or divide.

  5. I wouldn't give up. my parents gave up on me too till I prove them that I can do it. I have learning disability too, though, i believe i don't have what others have like autism. It could be ur teacher wasnt teaching effectively. When i was in special ed. most of my teachers just keep giving me really thick books to read. My reading and pronunciations are good, just that I couldn't understand a thing whats going inside the book. Its like I just read read read without understanding. I began to understand everything more when I left the special ed. One teacher understands my situation and she stops my parents from repeating grades. I'm glad that i didn't repeat.I start to understand from doing simple science and maths. You have to understand the things you have been given by your teacher in order to do get that knowledge in ur head. I always fall behind when I was little cause i couldnt understand what people say.

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