
I have a leopard Gecko and everytime she sheds the skin stays on her eyes and now she cant see to eat or drink

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I have tried the moist moss but she never uses it so I spritzer her and she drinks the water that comes off her head I don't know what else to do I have had her for about two years.




  1. She needs to be taken to the vet. In the meantime if you are worried about her eating, you could buy a syringe and some baby food.

  2. If her eyes are clouded she is probably blind, is this something new and how old is she?

  3. Do you have a humid HIDE on the warm side of her tank?  Try a different substrate in the hide (like paper towel) and put her in it.  You needed to be taking care of the skin BEFORE it got this bad.  It may just be retained skin, but it may be causing corneal abrasions and blindness.

    I'd HIGHLY suggest flushing her eyes with water and using a q-tip to roll off any skin you see.  If that doesn't work, you need to get her to a vet to have the eyes looked at.

    Below are a couple links to check out to find a qualified herp vet near you:

  4. she might be blind now if it has been there for two years

    take her to the vet

  5. dont be worried. when loeperd gechos shed the dont shed there eyes. so there eye  skin shoundt come off. maby u hava a blind leoperd gecho. how old is it.

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