
I have a lexapro sitting in front of me...?

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After I take it,what to expect?




  1. I had a terrible experience with lexapro, to the point where I ended up in the hospital. However a majority of the people on it have very good experiences but it takes a few weeks to fully work.  

  2. nothing.

    Its an anti-depressent.

    They dont just "start working" when you take them.

    It takes a few weeks of daily treatment to start noticing effects.

    So taking one- will do nothing.

    Except maybe give you diarrhea, a really common side effect.

    So find a better way to get high- because Lexapro is just lame

  3. Hi Kati,

    Glad you asked. Means you're thinking positive, like maby "I need a new drug, one that won't make me sick..."-Hewey Lewis and the News (1980's 'rock' band)?

    We'll 'Lexapro' brand name(real medical/pharmaceutical pill name Escitalopram Oxilate), was 'discovered'/manufactured by Eli Lilly & Co. Drug Co. Really it was developed as a superior type of a slightly

    older drug/pill. I like the term pill, let's say it's less invasive (less medical i.e.). The drug industry you know is a boming business, high demand generally scrutinized by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for effectiveness, certainly in the US and the approved and respected watchdog for all international markets regardless of country of origin of drug. There is huge competition globally for sales so the FDA is the Federal government's watchdog. You already know this but had to say it. It's a quality drug and all drugs are to be used not abused, to help not harm, we know right?

    It is the newest on the market of designer 'antidepressants' - means whoever suggested/prescribed you take it, thinks you are depressed, i.e clinically or medically depressed at this moment. Right? Maby other things going on and more to the story, I know. But you asked a specific question.

    In short the answer is that if it works with you and not every drug, no matter how 'good' works just the same with every body (I'm talking here mainly about prescription meds). From the records, and patients reports this is true. But it is the fastest acting or among the fastest to relieve your blues, in other words you 'will' feel better, maby some, maby alot but you will feel better, remember, if it works well with you which it should, 'all things being equal', or standard.

    what I said before.

    Why? Because it counterbalances some if not all of the main 'brain tissue' irregularites causing your nasty mood, I'm assuming of course, you have at this moment a nasty mood/feel not so good. Anyway just a word of advice, whatever you read here you gotta back up, by honest, genuine, real, sound scientific medical advice/literature and your own experiences not self-prescribing only, no matter what you've heard,seen or read even from me.

    It will work almost immediately within hours to improve your mood.

    What is mood? This is a long discussion. You probably have some idea already, but you just want to feel better not worse, right? I hope so.

    Lexapro like any other drug has a 'modus operandi' (way of acting), it has to get into your bloodstream and build up to an 'expected' level to produce the best or desired effect.

    Your blood stream or 'main circulatory system' is responsible for getting the 'right' or 'wrong' substances to our brains for optimal health/wellbeing and it through the bloodstream that the best action/ususal treatment is first prescribed.

    Wellbeing and health are important for us, (like duh) but often situations and circumstances in life knock us 'for a home run'. Nobody likes it but it's a fact. Norbody i've ever met told me that they like being sick or feeling sick?

    Are you sick if you have to take Lexapro or any 'antidepressant'? This is debateable. Medically, yes. The absence of health, means very very likely or 100 % the presence of illness. Some persons find this hard to think,believe and accept. Everyone has choice. But if you have and I don't know this for sure, a medical condition, you are sick and 'will' need (100%) some medicine to get better and/or feel better. Simple as that.

    It may take a few days or even a 'few' weeks like 3-4 weeks to have the desired 'good' effect, i.e. to make you feel happy or like your self again if you are really out of whak, and not messing with pills, to boost your ..... fill in the blank, not a real medical situation.

    Watch any side effects if you take this medication for some time. not everybody again has negative side effects, so please be under a doctor/GP's supervison or a shrink/psychiatrist (medical specialist).

    I'm wondering though what strength tablet, and was it prescribed?

    If a liscenced doctor (medical practitioner) 'recommended' that you take this drug/pill then fine, I'm o.k. Keep in touch with them and continue to follow the advice given.

    Try to keep friends and any close family around you at this time if it is a distressing/difficult time for you. We all face challenges in life, this is human, believe me at some point. Don't be hard on yourself, love yourself. This isn't a huge deal believe me you can always improve once your kicking and you gotta help your doc's too, to know you better to know how best to treat any symptoms or condition you may have to deal with from here on out or have already been dealing with.

    So take a deep breath, and take the little sucker. I've wishpered a prayer to the big "doctor' above for your health and happiness.

    Good luck and God bless.



  4. As has already been said, it takes several weeks for Lexapro to build up in your system.  Just taking one probably won't do anything to (or for) you.

    People react differently to medications, so be careful.

  5. If it is not your prescription, don't take it. If it is, Lexapro is a med that takes weeks to get to a therapeutic dose. So, it isn't going to do much for you just taking one, whatever the story is.

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