
I have a lge tub of sodium chlorate to kill nettles in my garden are there any side effects with this stuff?

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I have a lge tub of sodium chlorate to kill nettles in my garden are there any side effects with this stuff?




  1. ALF and Woodie are right.  This stuff is phototoxic to ALL green plants.  It is intended to be used on non-cropland and for total vegetation control.  It is quite toxic to breathe, touch, or ingest and can be explosive when mixed with several other materials.  Check online for sodium chlorate MSDS (material safety data sheets) to get an idea of what you are dealing with.

  2. I agree with other posts here, good stuff but beware of it, its explosive if misused.

  3. Nettles are so easy to weed by hand.The roots are shallow.The first 1.5inches of the stem does not sting so put both hands on and pull.The whole plant should come away.l think SC will only kill the top growth and not the roots

  4. Not only will sodium chlorate kill nettles,it'll kill any plant life it contacts.After use,the soil will be effectively sterile,nothing will grow for a long time.

    Read the handling instructions,this weed killer is extremely inflammable and skin contact should be avoided.

  5. I believe that if it is mixed with sugar in the correct proportions you produce an explosive mixture. With the terrorist scare at present be wary.

  6. Strong stuff handle with care! won't be able to grow anything for 6 months

  7. as long it doesnt mic into a viscous liquid where it could give off harmful gas.

    it should be okay

    to be on the safe side, wear a mask to protect you inhaling any fumes given off if it mixes with any liquid in the soil.

  8. Apart from, it will probably kill you if you drink it, it is very effective if handled ( and stored ) carefully.

    Please leave some nettles for the insects if you can?

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