
I have a life size card board replica of the captain of the enterprise in star trek. what is it worth?

by  |  earlier

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the replica has minor damage like creases from where you fold it. its in good condition but not mint.




  1. Which one?  Kirk?  Picard?  

    I would guess, if it is Kirk, possibly up to $300.  But the real answer is: however much someone would be willing to pay for it.  If you want to sell it, why don´t you put it on Ebay and set a minimum selling price (something much less than $300) and see what happens.

    By the way, I don´t want to buy it.  But it is great that you have one of those!

  2. Which captain?  (There have been several Captains of the Star Ship Enterprise.)

  3. Probably a million intergalactic dollars

  4. A captain picard? hmm, those are slightly harder to find. Generally those typs of cutouts go for like thirty bucks, but given the damage I would say somewhat less. depends really on how it looks.

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