
I have a listing on ebay, and i've never sold anything on ebay before, how does the person pay me??

by  |  earlier

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I'll be using paypal. I'be bought things on ebay with paypal before but no sure of how it works from the sellers end.

is it complicated. what will i need to do when the auction ends?




  1. The account is wired to your banking account and the money will be sent directly to your account

  2. When the Buyer pays for the item, it automatically is deposited into your PayPal account. You can either leave the money in your PayPal account, or transfer it to your bank account right online.

    When the auction ends, the Buyer will automatically be prompted to pay. If they don't pay in a couple days, I normally send them an invoice. Most Buyers pay right away, but keep in mind, they have up to 7 days to pay. If you get no payment by the 6th day, send them a friendly email reminder. If you still get no payment, on the 8th day, you can file a dispute with Ebay.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT SHIP the item unti you get the payment. If they pay by E-check, PayPal will advise you when the check has cleared. Do not ship until it clears.

    Good luck! Hope your auction does well.

  3. when you listed the item, one section asked you what kind of payments you accept, such as checks, money orders, paypal, etc - YOU HAD to choose something - go back and look at your auction listing andsee what it says

    To the 2 brainiacs that answered before me - nothing is automatic in ebay. If you listed the item as a BUY NOW item, you still have to have a paypal account setup and attached to your ebay account and the buyer has to physically go they the process of telling paypal to pay the seller

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