
I have a little bit of scoliosis?

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I just went for x-rays a few days ago, they said i had a little bit of scoliosis but they said its not that serious. Other then sitting up straight, is there anything else to straighten or strengthen my back?

Anything like exercises, any food that would strengthen it, any certain way I should sleep?

Also its very hard to sit up straight because I'm not use to it so I just keep slouching down again because its uncomfortable, thanks for everyone who answered




  1. There are braces that can help keep your back straight, do anything  you possibly can, talk to an orthopedic surgeon. I have a 56 yr old son who has scoliosis, back when I noticed something wrong w/his spine, he was 13...they knew nothing and told me nothing, now he is on disability. You've heard how hard disability is to get? He went to Dr one time and got it  that's how bad he is.  He looks horrible. Do not let this whatever they tell you. At least you are looking for help...I didn't know it was a problem. Now there is nothing that can be done.

  2. Slouching didn't cause your scoliosis so sitting up straight won't treat your curve.  Same thing for foods and sleeping style.  Your spine is growing curved.  Exercises may reduce the amount of pain, but they won't treat the curve either.

    I've posted the following a few times for other people with questions. I hope I'll answer the things that have you concerned.

    Scoliosis comes mainly in two flavors - functional (the curve is caused by another issue (uneven leg length for example) and structural.  There are two main kinds of structural scoliosis - congenital (present at birth) and idiopathic (unknown cause).  It is important for you to know what kind you have.

    If you have functional scoliosis, a chiropractor may be able to help.  Shoe lifts may help with uneven legs, but there can be many causes of functional scoliosis.  I don't have much experience with functional scoliosis.

    If you have structural scoliosis, there's not a lot you can do.  The main treatments depend on how bad the curve is and how much more growth you have to go.  Its not possible to predict how much or how fast a curve may increase.

    You need to see a scoliosis specialist if you're not doing that already. A doctor that is not trained as a scoliosis specialist doesn't have the expertise to treat it.

    Any curve under 10 degrees is considered normal and probably isn't monitored.

    Curves from 10-25 degrees are mild but should be monitored, especially if you're still growing.

    Curves from 25-40 degrees are moderate with bracing possible. You will need monitoring, especially if you're still growing.

    Surgery may be recommended if your curve doesn't respond to bracing. Bracing will do no good if you're through growing. The purpose of a brace isn't to make your curve better, but rather to keep the curve from becoming worse.

    Curves greater than 45 degrees is major. Surgery may be recommended. This depends on many things, but whether you're done growing, whether your curve is increasing, whether your heart and lungs are in danger of being squeezed by your curve, whether you're in pain, quality of life, etc.

    If your curve is over 30 degrees, there is a good chance that it will increase even when you're through growing.  (Mine did.)

    Unfortunately, nothing can *fix* idiopathic scoliosis. Surgery can keep the curve from getting worse, and in most cases, will reduce the curve but most likely your spine won't be straight (unless you are very flexible in the area to be fused, then you might be lucky).

    Chiropractors, message therapists, acupuncturists, etc., can't fix idiopathic scoliosis. These people adjust the soft, connective tissues and that may (or may not, you can't tell ahead of time) make you feel better, but remember, idiopathic scoliosis is not a connective tissue disease. Your spine is growing curved.

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