
I have a little problem here and was wondering..?

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what you would do in my situation?

my common law husband has invited his former deceased ex wives parents over to our home for a week.granted his, daughter my stepdaughter ,has a relationship with her grandparents and i would not intrude on her family question is,how would you feel if your partner did the inviting behind your back.i feel like a stranger in my own home.




  1. Omg hun, i can't believe he didn't tell you. I mean there should be honesty and loyalty between you and your husband. Sit him down one day and tell him how you feel. Seriously don't bottle it up, tell him face to face. If he loves you he will say sorry and not do anything behind your back next time.


  2. The least he could have done was inform you.

    Perhaps he didn't think you would mind.

    Let him know that this was rude not to even tell you of his plans. Let him know you wouldn't have disapproved, but it would have been nice to be informed.

  3. Would'nt  it have been easier to send the kid to see the grandparents?

    Your partner sounds very insensitive.

    I wouldnt be as understanding as you are in this situation, I dont think I would be as tolerant as you are either, it is going to be very interseting to see how it all GELS out.

    I wish you luck and lots of inner strength lol

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