
I have a little sisters and they r 12 and 11 and they want jobs?

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well i have two little sisters and they want jobs if u guys have suggestions please let me know




  1. Well the legal age in England for a child to work is 13. Not sure about the USA but I think it's the same. Tell them to enjoy childhood while it lasts and not rush into becoming an adult because adulthood is boring compared to being a kid.

  2. Mowing lawns and babysitting are the best. Mowing lawns is usually done by guys, and babysitting by girls, but it doesn't matter. Also, if a family member owns a store, maybe they can get a job there, or, with a parents permission, they can work at a pet store or small business.

  3. At that young age, it really is hard to find a job. Real jobs; such as working in retail or at a resteraunt are said to higher at the age of 15 1/2, but usualy only higher at the age of 16 and sometimes even 18. However, I have heard of teens at the age of 14 getting jobs at toy stores, pizza shops, and even at doctor's offices filing paperwork; so you never know what age buisnesses higher! But my best suggestions for an 11 year old and a 12 year old would be: Babysitting, petsitting, dog walking, lawn mowing, and taking care of neighbors' homes while they are on vacation. Of course, there are the non-profit jobs such as orginizing a food drive and other community service activities. Looking for jobs is just something you have to research by going online, asking around, even looking in newspapers. Good luck on the job search!

  4. Babysitting

    Doing chores around the house

    Car washing


    Stuff like that

  5. dog walking

    helping out at a vet, hairdressers, office etc..

  6. well i have an 11 year old sister and i have recommend her to people that i know that have young kids to babysit. and she is actually good at it. hope this helps....

  7. those of you saying babysitting they're DEFINATELY too young to babysit it's illegal in britain you have to be 14 but anyway I would suggest hand car washing.

  8. i actually want a job to for the summer to earn some extra cash but theres nothing much we can do since were so young!:) i wish there was more to offer to us  id like to here these suggestions though! WHY THE THUMBS DOWN!

  9. they are way too young to get a job.

    babysitting might be an option.

  10. um the 12 yr old can TRY to babysit she might be too young but the 11 yr old there arent any jobs besides chores.

    cause i wouldnt want an 11 yr old babysitting my children if i were a mom no offense.

  11. babysitting.

    mowing lawns.

    the typical things.

    they're too young for real jobs.

  12. Well they are to young to get a real job but have they thought about baby sitting??

  13. Idk bout where u live but where I live u can deliver newspapers 2 the local houses and u get paid weekly, maybe they could try that...

  14. Give them chores, around the house jobs, they are too young to work. Assign jobs and pay like 10-30 bucks a week each  depending on the mass of the chores.

  15. Try babysitting.  Or if they don't feel comftorable being left alone with a child, try being a mother's helper.  It is when you help out with a child while the parent(s) are still home and you just watch the child while the parent(s) do chores and such.

  16. Send them to China.They dont have a age limit there.

  17. if you know anyone who owns a store, or someone who works at somewhere, recomend your sisters!

  18. ok it dont matter what race they are!

    im mexican and 13 i got a job on sundays at a store

    so i guess they can go around the block and cut peoples lawn for 5 or 10 dollars!

  19. they can work at chick fil a at 14

  20. are they mexican?  if so, then yes, let them get jobs.  if they are not, i would say only let them babysit.

  21. not many business that would hire @ that age.

    but around town they could.


    Garden for people

    Pet care

    Lawn care

    or they could do house hold chores for nebiors like paint the deck or clean out the garage.

  22. Babysitting.

    Newspaper route.

    Sell on ebay (stuff they don't use/need)

    Yard sales.

    Lemonade stand.

    House chores (for parents or other people the family knows).

    Bake sales (or sell baked goods around the neighbourhood).

  23. babysitting



  24. They are a little young to do the typical summer jobs like lifegruading. But People take alot of trips in the summer so housesitting, dogwatching. Baby sitting could work to. I don't think they would enjoy yard work but you never know.

  25. the typical things.

    mowing lawns, washing the car, they may be a little young for babysitting.

    other than that you could possibly give them an allowance weekly for doing chores such as; keeping room clean, doing dishes, vacuming, dusting, set/clear dinner table, walk the dog, open/close windows ect.

  26. Recycling. They could collect cans, plastic, and paper and sell it to your local recycling center. They would be making money and doing something for the environment.

  27. im 12 and i made lots of money from washing cars. $7 per small car and $13 for 2 small cars. $10 per large car and $18 for 2 cars.

  28. They can't legally get a "job" so they will ahve to do things around the neighborhood. Helping with yardwork, walking dogs, clean for eldery neighbors.

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