
I have a locked jaw ; any help ??

by Guest34018  |  earlier

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ive had a locked jaw for a few days now and it really hurts. i can barely eat or yawn. will it eventually go away or should i go see a doctor ???




  1. you might need to go to the doc

    i have the same problem it started a year ago and wont go away and  i think you can get a shot for it but I'm not sure

  2. You insulted your temporal mandible joint or the TMJ.  Did you bite down on something a little bit too hard?  Did you get hit in the head by an errant basketball?

    Did you fall and hit your face?

    Facial injuries will also include an insulted TMJ - I fell off my bicycle a few years ago, landing on my face.  Thank God for the helmet!  My jaw got slammed and it hurt and I couldn't chew on the left side for a couple of months. (I had to have several stitches on the bottom of my chin)

    Eat something a bit to hard?  I once bit on a dry piece of rice, it slipped and my jaw got knocked out of joint for a couple of weeks.  My dentist gave me a bite guard that helped put my jaw back in alignment.

    Many more years ago I got hit in the back of the head by an errant basketball.  That too knocked my jaw out of joint for about a week.  

    Are you under a lot of stress and clenching your jaws in response? That can insult the TMJ too!

    See your dentist for a an exam if this has been going on for a few days as you have said.

    He may prescribe a muscle relaxant and a bite guard to help get your jaw back in line.

    TMJ problems are not a major health issue.  TMJ problems often go away on their own, but sounds like you may need some medical intervention.

    BTW, tetanus would include high fever and other muscle and joint pain.....If you had tetanus you would not be writing questions here!

    Heat and ice on the jaw will also ease things as well.

    Good luck and don't panic!

  3. maybe you will lose some weight.

  4. you probably got the case of TMJ.

    sometimes, it can go away by itself, depending how bad your jaw is.

    but i recommend you should go see a doctor and what they will do is they're gonna either force your jaw back into its place or loosen the muscles surrounding the temporal bone and mandible (around the jaw joint) by giving you a shot.

  5. The word Lockjaw is actually an old name for Tetanus and there is a reason doctors are always wanting to know when you've had your last tetanus shot.  The disease is fatal.  Where the h**l are your parents during all this?  If my kids jaw did that I'd have him at the clinic before he could hiccup!    

  6. Yeah,that's not good.You need to definitely see a doctor ASAP,even if it does go away!

  7. if someone would shoot you in the leg, would you

    A. wait and see what happens

    B. go to the doctor


    even tho youre not shot still go to the doctor

  8. you need to see a doctor ASAP! "Lockjaw", also known as Tetanus, is usually caused when you step on a rusty nail, for example. You probably need a tetanus shot, and the sooner you get treatment, the better!  

  9. you should see a doctor asap. locked jaw is a type of illness. you can get it from tetanus. stepping or cutting yourself w/rusted metal. it can be dangerous and I don't know how its treated but you need to go to the doctors right away. i read about this at my last app for my kids to get shots and it was explaining what they prevented. I hope you get better.

  10. golden advice: quit smoking crack

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