
I have a loose tooth that won't come out!

by  |  earlier

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I've tried Orajel and I REFUSE to go to the dentist.

My problem is that when I try to wiggle it and pull it out, it hurts so bad!

It feels like someone is shooting me in the mouth!

It's just severe pain.

I really want it out though, so what can I do??

Please, please help me find a way that's not painful to get the tooth out!

It's greatly appreciated!

<3 you all!

Thanks so much!




  1. well wen i had a loose tooth a manged to wiggle floss around the bottom of the tooth so its touching the root, tie a knot and have someone pull both ends really hard the root should just snip apart and there is like no pain, it will bleed alot tho but i think its worth it

  2. patience is your friend if you want no pain....

    leave it be - when it is ready, it will come out.

  3. you should go to the dentist they&#039;ll take it out for you and it doesn&#039;t even hurt i had a tooth  that would just wiggle and never come out so when i went to the dentist  he said i would&#039;ve never been able to do it  on my own because it was too long so yea just go it won&#039;t hurt a bit(:

  4. There is no painless way, but if you wait long enough it will loosen enough to come out almost by its self. It is dangerous to wait that long.

  5. Sounds like its not ready. Keep wiggling but please if you pull it out then well you break the  gum and you could have that pain for a whole week. If you pull it out with out it being ready. Ok also eat apples and they help.

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