
I have a lot of questions about speakers. can anyone help me?

by  |  earlier

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ok. here we go.

this is a picture of a normal speaker.

ok, what is the "spider" for?

what type of material can the cone of the speaker be made out of?

what type of material can the suspension be made out of?

does the metal and the coil/ wire have to be more in the magnent, or can it rest in a housing above the magnet?

does the strength of the magnet determine the wattage?

what type or thickness of coil/ wire should i use?

if you can answer any of these then i thank you for your time.




  1. Spider is the one which connects the diaphragm or voice coil to the frame and provides the majority of the restoring sound force.

    Cone is made out of special paper.

    The suspension is made of either rubber or foam.

    The answer for fourth question depends upon type of speaker.If its a earphone consider them to be more in magnet and for loud speaker it has to be "resting in a housing above the magnet"

    Yes strength of the magnet as well as driver and input audio signals (current) determine the wattage.It also depends upon the flux density in which the voice coil is immersed.

    The area of the voice coil windings is proportional to the power handling of the coil. Thus a 100 mm diameter voice coil, with a 6 mm winding height has similar power handling to a 50 mm diameter voice coil with a 24 mm winding height.

    Regarding the type of coil I have no IDEA.Sorry for this.I hope the information was useful.

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