
I have a love for writing.. HELP?

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I am 16 and I have a love for writing. It gives me a feeling that I have never felt before. I have been writing seriously for about 5 years now. I write poetry, research papers, and I have tried to write stories. My problem: no one ever tells me that my writing is good.

I have won a poetry contest and received an award for it, so I know I have some talent. I have tried writing stories but I quit after writing a little bit because I do not see the point if no one is going to get joy from reading. I thought of becoming a writer but I am no sure.

Should I give up my love for writing? Any advice on where I should go to submit my writings and get it rated? Also, how do I overcome that feeling of disappointment when someone says my writings are just okay? Thanks.




  1. never give up your talent NEVER NEVER NEVER if you love writing and it gives u a kind of release then damit WRITE AWAY get off this web AND WRITE

  2. First of all, most people's writing is just OK.  Everyone has the dream of being acknowledged as a brilliant writer, but that isn't really why they write.  They write because they love it, and because they have something (a story, an idea, a poem) that they need to express.  

    So the help I would suggest is to think about why you're writing.  Make sure you're doing it for yourself, not for the approval of other people.  You will ABSOLUTELY have to get over "that feeling of disappointment," because even famous writers are not popular with everybody.  Different people like different things.  

    Once you are able to accept criticism of your work, then start asking your readers what they like about the piece and what they don't.  Since people close to you will probably find it  difficult to give you criticism, you should consider taking a writing class or workshop.  Your local library might offer something like this.  If you keep at it until you get to college, you can definitely take creative writing classes at that level.

    Until then, try reading a teen literary magazine.  Not only can this expose you to other good writing -- which is really the best way to develop your own skills -- but there are also writing contests you can enter.  Submit some of your stuff and see how it does.  Sometimes you'll get a reply from the editors, with comments and suggestions.

    If you really love writing, keep at it.  you have a lot of years ahead of you to work on your craft!

  3. If you love writing there is no

    reason to give up something

    you love doing.  

    Writing is a talent

    and its an art don't

    let anyone tell you otherwise.  

    If you have a blog site

    you can post your writing there

    people read those and comment

    you can try

    look at the part of what you want to write about

  4. first don't write for other people write for yourself. some people don't take the time to actually analyze a poem, short story etc. but if you love writing the question should be asked. if you love it write because of you. always follow your dreams. not everybody is going to like your writing. be confident and don't think about it to much. mostly everything we write is just OK not everything will be perfect. :)

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