
I have a low B12 question?

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I have a low B12 and have had medical "issues" for years now but have gone mis and undiagnosed... the only thing that I have is a diagnosis of low B12 and lots of other symptoms that all fit under a broad range of illnesses. I have been doing research and was wondering if anyone else has any correlation between a low B12 and the autoimmune diseases.. such as fibromyalgia or MS or even Lupus... looking forward to your reply




  1. I also have low b12, well I did until I had the shots. I'm not vegan but apparently some people don't absorb it as well as others.

    I have fibromyalgia as well as chronic fatigue syndrome. I havn't been tested for MS but my ANA levels were high so it's likely that I'll develop Lupus.

    I don't know any correlation between the two, but I have both. See if you can get a referral to a specialist.

    Good luck!


  2. hello; i happened to be doing a lot of research on Vitamin B12; Vitamin B12 deficiency is common; contrary to popular belief;

    you should do either B12 shots or B12 lozenges

    A vitamin b12 deficiency mimics Fibromyalgia; so you want to do your vitmain b12 shots or pills

    Natural Vitamin E capsules help Fibromyalgia; a  

  3. B12 deficiency is extremely rare. Unless you are a strict vegan who eats no animal products, or you have a problem absorbing B12. People with problems absorbing B12 have problems producing intrinsic factor, or have disease of the small intestine.

    Normal body stores last about 3-6 years of deficiency.

    B12 deficiency causes megaloblastic anemia, and neurological dysfunction, as it disrupts DNA synthesis. The anemia looks like large red and white blood cells that are immature. This would also have shown up on the blood test too, if you had it.  

    Because your doctor has not said you have megaloblastic anemia, I don't think your low levels of B12 are low enough to cause problems. Low levels don't necessarily mean deficiency.

    If it worries you, I would eat more animal products (like milk, meat, cheese, yoghurt, fish) to boost your B12. You can also get a test called the Schilling test to test your absorption of B12.  

  4. Fibromyolagia is not autoimmune--it is beleived to be a disorder of teh central nervous system....

    the only relation is that the symptoms of B12 deficiency mimic fibromyalgia--

    the defieciency is not the cause of fibromylagia---abd REAL fibromyalgia can not be treated with B12 shots

  5. Well, I know doctors hate to hear "I heard on Mystery Diagnosis...", but recently I watched an episode that specifically mentioned a B12 deficiency. I can't remember the details, but if you search google for "Mystery diagnosis B12", you'll get lots of results that will hopefully help you out. Looks like if that is a problem, needle shots will be in your permanent future.

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