
I have a lump about 3cm on the left lower side of my rib case i can feel it when i touch it. what is it ?

by  |  earlier

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please help.




  1. I'd need a little more information about the lump to give a complete answer, but here is some information. If the lump is soft and non-tender, it could just be a fatty tumor or growth, and probably is not cancerous. If the lump is hard it could be a small abnormal growth. It could be a calcium deposit which for some reason has decided to attach itself to you in that spot. The best advice I can give is to see a physician about it ASAP.

  2. you should go see a doctor, it could be a cyst or tumor but could be just build up where u broke that rib?? did u have  a break there my son got a bump about that size when he broke rib at wrestling.. lasted about two years actually before it went away

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