
I have a lump in my breast - no diagnoses yet, although Doctor seen. Advice on insurance - quickly please...?

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I have a lump in my breast - no diagnoses yet, although Doctor seen. Advice on insurance - quickly please...?




  1. If you are looking to have this covered by insurance, it will be considered pre-existing since you have been seen by a doctor.

    If it turns out to be pre-cancerous or cancerous, providing you meet your state's income level, you may qualify for medicaid, since most states will cover cancer diagnoses without having to meet disability requirements.

    Good luck!

  2. Sorry - you should have not gone to the doctor till after you got insurance. I know that is crazy, but if you would have waited, gotten insurance and then a month after getting insurance gone to a doctor you would have been covered. Then the insurance would have had a diagnoses date after you got the insurance.

    The other thing to do would be to actually lie. Tell them you haven't been to a doctor and then go see a whole new doctor after you get the insurance. But insurances seem to have a database that shows what you came to see a doctor for.

  3. I'm sorry to hear you're going through this.  I don't have any general advice about insurance.  Is there a specific question? Are you having a problem with your insurance company?

  4. First - A lump could be many things, so try to not let this ruin your weekend.

    Second, if you have insurance now, you are fine.

    Third, if you do not have insurance, you might be able to still get coverage depending on what state you are in. For example, someone I know in my state was hired by her brother in Califonia to work on his website. She was uninsured, but the carrier in California allowed her to be covered.

    Please feel free to email me if you want to discuss further....

  5. If you already have insurance it will be covered under your policy.  Keep paying until you find out what the diagnosis is.  

    If you don't already have insurance, it would have to be disclosed on an application and would most likely be ridered.  So, getting insurance after you have a symptom is not going to work.

    A pre-exisiting condition is a condition in which you have sought treatment for in the last year, or a condition that a normally prudent person would have sought treatment for.

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