
I have a lump on my wrist.

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A few years back i got a hairline fracture on my wrist. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it. But it started as a small lump, less then the size of a BB. Now its slightly larger then a pea, and it never used to hurt. But now my wrist and hand hurts occasionally and is becoming stiffer. Should I go to a doctor or just leave it alone? My Dad says its Arthritis and my mom thinks its a calcium deposit. What do you think?




  1. Probably a calcium deposit. Yes, see a doctor at any rate if it's causing you pain. It's not going to get better until you do.

  2. Recent injury on the wrist causes formation of ganglion cysts in the same area. This is because the ligaments over the linear fracture have been traumatized too. Most ganglion cysts do not require surgery. but if it causes pain, it has to be removed.

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