
I have a lump on the upper right side of my chest above the nipple, what can it possibly be?

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Its been there for a couple of months, and i feel like its getting harder day by day




  1. could be a swollen gland usually happens to males going through puberty   could be cancerus males get breast cancet too but probably not dont freak out if it gets worse go to a doctor  and stop playing with it dude

  2. I Might not know a lot , but get it checked by a doctor.  

  3. well there is a couple of dif things it could be.I know your a man but we all have some of the same tissues in our chest. men and woman

    # Sebaceous cyst

    # Ingrown hair follicle  

    # Malignancy  

    # Breast cancer

    # Skin cancer

    # Hematoma  or just a small infection or calcium deposit.I would just bring this up in your next yearly physical with your doc.You do get them yearly .We all know how we put this very important check up off as long as poss. best of luck dont be to worried

  4. Sounds like a lymph node. This should be checked by your doctor.

  5. Remember that watermelon seed you swallowed by accident?

    Well there ya go!

    Go to the doctor/free clinic dude. It aint worth it to ignore it.

  6. Possibly a cyst, you may want to get it checked out.  A cyst really isn't a problem, but it could be something worse.  

  7. Uhhh, Lets just say go to your doctor ASAP.

  8. Sounds unbelievable, but men can get breast cancer as well. You need to see a doctor right away to be on the safe side.

  9. i had one of those. it lasted 9 months. i talked to my doc and he said that breast tissue in both men and women is very sensitive. he said if you accidently injure yourself,even by a litte bit, this effect can happen. but i dont know first hand what you have, so i encourage you to see a doctor, just to be safe.

  10. Don't delay.  Make an appointment to go to see a Doctor as soon as possible.

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