
I have a lump!!!!?????

by  |  earlier

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i have a golf ball sized lump that is hard as bone and feels like his attached to my bone....its on the inside of my leg on the bottom of the thigh/top of knee you think its a tumor or like a bone growth or something? feedback would be moms making an appointment for the doctors tomarrow but i dont want to embarrass myself incase its normal.....btw its not on the other leg....which would be the right leg.....and it doesnt hurt when i push or touch it....its just there..




  1. You definately need to get it checked out by physcian.  Could very well be normal but you do need to rule out other possibilities.  A simple x-ray should help fiqure out what it is.  Could be something easily fixed or monitored.  Worst case is a tumor which shows up in young adults about 10-17 year old, hope this is not what you have, but you need to find out and get treated asap

  2. wait howd you get a golf ball stuck in you????

  3. Does it hurt when you touch it?  Just go to the doctor even if someone says its normal.  It's better to be safe than sorry.  

  4. That is definitely something you would want to get checked out. It may not be a tumour, there are a few other possibilities. Some people get calcium deposits that would appear similar to what you're explaining. There's also a possibility it could be a swollen lymph node, which could mean a few different things.

    I know that doesn't really answer your question, but I would definitely get it checked by a doctor just to be safe. It's definitely not something normal, but it may not be anything hazardous to your health.

    I hope that helps! And I hope it's not anything serious!

  5. That is not normal.. needs to be examined by a doctor.

  6. sounds like abnormal bone growth.

    It's good that you are going to the doc

  7. deffinately go get it checked out as soon as possible really if you feel something that shouldnt be there chances are your right it might be nothing by why risk it being something uk?

  8. have you recently hit it anywhere?

    has it caused any nausea or head aches?

    does it hurt when you walk?

    has it caused any changes when you pee?

    did u have any fevers since you got it?

    be prepared to ask questions like this at ur appointment

    and it probably is just a bump from hitting it somewhere..

  9. It could be many things...other than a tumor. For instance, it could be large fatty tissue deposit, which can be removed. It can be cellulites from something like a spider bite that you did not notice. It could be a infected folicle...YEA CRAZY, but I have seen someone with the same type of lump, three times the 1 u descibed on their arm...and it was an effected/blocked hair. I guess, A bit like a superman sized blind eye pimple...LOL...I

    It's great that your going to the doctor for it...AND NEVER be worried about it being nothing, if it is worrying you..then that alone is something...stress is a bad thing too.

    Good luck too you...and don't let yourself worry to much, I'm sure that whatever it will be taken care of...Just take care of yourself and follow docs orders...



  10. you need to check it out

  11. No, its not normal.

    Anytime you find a lump its best to have it looked at.

    No need to feel embarrassed about going... you're looking out for your health.
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