
I have a lump under my eyelid, not a stye or chalazia?

by  |  earlier

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Well, i went in the pool with my contacts on, stupid i know, and the day after i have a little bump under my eyelid (Top left corner on the red meaty part, top eyelid). It burns and makes my eye sensitive to light, and every time i blink it hurts a little. Plus my eye waters a lot. So i took out my contacts and im wearing my glasses I just want to know it anyone had or has the same little bump and what i could do or if its serious. Also i dont think its a stye or chalazia, its not on the outer part of the eye and theres no crust so i ruled that out. Thanks




  1. You can have internal chalazia that appear just as you have listed.  Generally, they don't burn, though.  I'm wondering if you have an ulceration of the eyelid, or have/had a foreign object in the eye that injured it.  Best to go to the eye doctor.

  2. i had that wat you do is about 3 times a day get the visine astringent type put it in and leave the eye shut for 20 minutes and it will be gone in a dayor two

  3. You have internal chalazia.

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