
I have a major headache that comes about once every so often what can i do and what is it?

by Guest60569  |  earlier

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it usually starts above my right eye as a sharp throbbing pain then it goes into my eyes and the rest of my head until i pretty much do nothing but sleep then i wake up and my entire head is throbbing. during this time i sometimes feel dizzy and like im gonna throw up but never do and on the rare occasion i get bright spots in my vision like i looked into a light but didnt or my vision turns tunnel like and i end up sleeping since i cant do anything else, and nothing i take seems to make it go away




  1. Classic migraine symptoms. You should visit your doctor who should do an CT scan to be sure nothing else is going on. Then you can be prescribed medication and be given a suggested diet.  

  2. Yep!  You display classic symptoms of a migraine.  That said, there are many solutions you can pursue.  Firstly, I highly recommend you pin-point the root of the problem - sometimes electrical lights (tube lights), stress, wine, chocolate, sugar, etc can be the culprit.  You may also be dehydrated.  It's crucial to stay well hydrated everyday...especially on hot ones!  You'll be surprised how quickly a headache can creep up on you when you're dehydrated.

    Try this to pin-point your headaches; on the day you suffer from a headache, try to remember what you did the previous day.  Did you drink wine, have copious amounts of sugar, or forget to drink water?  Where were you, what did you do?  Did you smell something you didn't like?  Asking these questions can be extremely helpful sometimes.  

    However, if this doesn't work, it may helpful to see a doctor.  My personal recommendation is to visit a naturopathic doctor (ND).

    Although I'm guilty of it myself, on unbearable days, I do take pills.  However, I don't recommend it.  There are too many long-term impacts and if one is not careful, an addiction can result.

    Hope this was helpful.

  3. Sounds like a migraine.

    When I get bad headaches, I do basically what you said...just sleep it off.  

    1. Sometimes a really really hot shower helps (let the hot water just pour down on your head).

    2. Taking 3 Advil sometimes helps.

    3. I don't know what you call it, but it's found in the pharmacy area.  It's a "thing" that you put in the microwave for about 2 minutes.  It's to use for when you might have any kind of pain in your shoulder, neck, back, etc.  You put it in the microwave and then just hold it to where ever hurts.  The heat helps relieve the pain.

  4. go to the eye doctor... when one eye has lesser of quality vision its only normal for u you "try" to adjust to it...  which can give you head aches... so go get ur eyes checked and see what they say.

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