
I have a male mouse how do i get him to get used to me and be comfortable or recognize me?

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I have a male mouse how do i get him to get used to me and be comfortable or recognize me?




  1. Wow that's weird! HAHA

  2. if you just got the mouse, DO NOT pick him up for the first 2 days. Let him get used to the sounds and smells. It is recommended that you talk to the mouse without pick him up for the first few days, make sure it is calm and soft so you do not frighten him. After that put your hand in the cage near him and let him come to you, do not chase him. after awhile he should get better so that you can pick him up or at least pet him.

  3. Dont pick him up by the tail, my mouse is a male and he hates it and pretty much every mouse Ive ever had hates it. If you hand feed them treats they usually warm up to. Try just laying your hand in the cage for a while.

  4. After he gets used to his surroundings just give him alot of love and attention =D

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