
I have a male spotted python and today he is moving aroun eratically.looks like he is in pain.any thoughts thx

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I have a male spotted python and today he is moving aroun eratically.looks like he is in pain.any thoughts thx




  1. a few reasons

    wrong temp probably to hott if it is trying to move alot snakes thermoregulate it the temp is to high it can't get cool

    he could be stressed inadequate housing not enough hides

    humidity is to low

    could be hungry

    could have an ailment

    can't think of any other reasons right now but one of these is probably it

    good luck

  2. okay i think he might be uncomfortable check and make sure he is comfortable and if this is still happening in 24 hours i recommend you take him to a vet. it might just be something simple like shedding but its best for him if he sees a vet....

  3. did you ever drop the ball python because it probably got hurt or maybe its going to shed if its eyes are like a milky color

  4. sheadding skin.... dnt worry, completely natural..

  5. when did you last feed him

  6. If this is unusual behaviour for him and you suspect he may be in pain, get him to a reptile vet ASAP. It may be something simple, or it could a much more sinister case of IBD or OPMV.

    If you could tell us any more information would be helpful, like how long you have had him, how old is he, last feeding, his enclosure setup and temperature information.

    Also how is his movement eratic, does it look like he is having trouble righting himself, is his gazing into nowhere, or just very active?

  7. It may be about to storm where you are. You can try putting another hide in the terrarium (a little higher up than the other hide) and if it is about to storm your snake friend will move into the new hide. If that doesn't work then give them a soak in some warm water in a clean tub, they probably need a little help shedding.

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