
I have a marathon in over a week, but my running shoes have had it! Is it ok to wear new shoes? (same brand)?

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All I want to do is replace my older pair of New Balance shoes with a brand new pair of the same exact model. I know there's a period of time when running shoes should be broken in, easing into the mileage before they're taken out for a long run; but I'm thinking that the break-in time would be decreased due to the fact that I intend to stick with the same model of shoe. Is this true?

Between now and the marathon on June 8, I plan to do a 16-mile run, and several four-mile runs. Is it too late to upgrade to a new pair of shoes before my marathon? They felt fine until the last two weeks or so; and then it occured to me, they are well past their prime! Now I feel like there is no absorption of impact while I'm running--so I'm sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place. I think I could do this marathon in my old ones, but the comfort level is gone; thus potentially sacrificing my overall finishing time. What should I do?




  1. C'mon Jim, this ain't rocket science for a seasoned runner like you.  

    1.  Get the shoes

    2.  Run your shorter runs in the new ones to get the feel and make sure there's no rubbing or whatever.

    The bigger problem than just the "comfort level" is that with broken down shoes you run a much greater risk of injury.  Frankly, to me it's a no-brainer.

    Good Luck

  2. I think you should wear them for a couple of runs. Go run around the neighbourhood for a half hour or something.

    Since they're the same shoes as you usually wear, I wouldn't worry about breaking them in that much. never know, I had the same thing happen to me, when I bought a newer pair of the same shoes I usually wear. Turned out that I should have gotten a size bigger since my feet grew, so I had to run a 8k race with a shoe that's a little small for me.

    As well, new shoes tend to give people blisters since the material is really tough.

    hope this helps

  3. break them in now like walk to the shop or walk around the house but don't do to much due to the marathon

  4. You don't need to break in new shoes, but you must wear them a few times to be sure they are not going to cause problems.

    If you do a 16 miler you should know if they are going to work or not.

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