
I have a mare that bucks! Any Suggestions?

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I love her to death and she is my first horse! How do i stop her from bucking and gaining her trust!?!




  1. I would suggest you take her to a Vet. she could be hurting.

    if all that is ok. I suggest you brush her often. Don't forget she is a mare. like most of us, we all like to be treated with gentleness. Hope all goes well.

  2. I've had a bucking horse before. She would buck because she was completely stubborn, didn't like being ridden and knew that I was a nervous rider and that she could win her fights against me.

    So you need to be confident and assertive. Show your horse that YOU are the boss. Never give in to fights, they will only learn that they can get away with things. My horse knew that she could get away with bucking me off because I wouldn't get back on her until a few days later. Always end a riding session on a good note, even if its only a small achievement, eg. your horse followed your command correctly. Ending a session on a bad note will only make them think that they have won.

    Make sure you don't punish your horse in a painful way if he/she does something wrong. This will only make them feel scared and worried and will lose trust in you.

    Gaining your horses trust: before you even think about riding a new horse, you need to gain it's trust on ground. If you can't trust a horse, or your horse can't trust you on the ground, there's no way that you can trust each other when you're sitting on it's back.

    Oh and a horse CAN buck when it's moving forwards (Rags to Riches). They don't have to stop and then buck. Horses are quite capable of bucking while they are moving! My quarter horses quite happily gallop around the paddock throwing occasional bucks, not pig-roots, bucks without having to stop.

    That's just a few things I've learned in my years of horse riding.

    go4gin1994 and tony g might be on to something. Your horse could be feeling a lot of discomfort in the girth area. It could be pinching, or it could be too tight. Like tony g said, make sure you brush him/her, especially in the girth area, before you ride. Your horse might have some pain on the inside? Maybe you should get your horse checked out by a vet if none of this works.

    I really hope this answer helps you =]

  3. one suggestion: does your saddle fit properly? If it pinches and hurts she may be trying to tell you something!

  4. Keep her moving forward on the bit. If she is moving forward she cannot buck. Horses have to stop and plant their forelegs in order to buck. You might want to consult a professional for a few sessions in order to get some personalized advice, especially since you say this is your first horse.

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