
I have a medical condition called venus insufficiency where the valves in the veins do not work?

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this causes edema (swelling) also the lower legs become stained reddish brown caused by blood leaking into the skin

Is there anything that can remove these stains or at least reduce them other than make up, some non surgical way. I do use comprssion stockings but that only helps to redudce the swelling and does nothing to clear up the staining





  1. Surgery is the only answer ... as long as the veins with no valves are there, the pressure will cause blood to leak out of the capillaries.

    Th edema and the possibility of clots that move to your heart and lungs is more of a problem than the discoloration.  The poor circulation is damaging your tendons and bones.

    The surgery is minor: outpatient procedure and should be covered by insurance because it's not cosmetic, it's medically necessary.

  2. sundown- what you have, by another name, is varicose veins - an extremely common condition as people get older, especially if they are overweight, sit a lot, or have given birth to children.  When the blood (red cells) leaks from the vein into the skin, they stay there, break up, and release their hemoglobin reddish-brown pigment which can perhaps lighten with time or remain for months, years, or life.  You can find much more information if you search on Google for "Varicose Vein Fact Sheet."  Your best bet would be to ask your physician or look in the phone book under vascular for a nearby vascular (venous) treatment center or call your local hospital or county medical society for the names of any physicians who specialize in treatment of varicose veins.  Good luck.

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