
I have a meetin wit a college person need help..........?

by Guest60269  |  earlier

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wat are 5 good questions to ask them ... could be related to their college..... o and i want to go in the career of Architecture so the questions can be related to this too...




  1. Good for you!!  College is so important for students today.  An education is something NO ONE can take away from you.  It will be hard at times, but don't give up!  Get help, go to tutoring if needed, talk to your advisor, whatever helps to keep you going during the rough times.  I applaud you for continuing your education after high school.

    Show up to your meeting a bit early, dress nicely, and be clean.  I know that sounds stupid, but you wouldn't believe how some kids show up!  You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.  I don't mean dress up, just be nice and clean.  

    Ask the person about financial aid; how can the school help you with your expenses?  Ask about security on campus especially if you plan to live there!  Big deal right now!  Ask about student services such as tutoring, mentoring, counseling if needed.  What do they offer the struggling student so you won't drop out?  Ask can you meet with a professor in the Architecture dept or a student to get ideas from.  Can you get a tour soon with your parents?  

    Act interested and smart.  You'll sound smart and on task with the talk if you feel you are smart and on the ball.  Good luck!!!

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