
I have a mental connection with my girlfriend?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriend and I are 900 miles apart and I believe we have developed some kind of mental connection. We always know when something is wrong or bothering the other person. This has happened too many times to be a coincidence. But the weirdest thing was, I was waiting for her to call me, and she didn't call and I was getting anxious, and suddenly I pictured her face telling me she couldn't call because the phone was busy. A sense of peace came over me and I wasn't worried anymore. I verified later that it was true and she was trying to tell me that. So has anyone heard of anything like this? I think because we are so far apart we are developing this power out of necessity.




  1. it sometimes happens when 2 people are very close to each other or know each other very well

  2. parapsychology is at the threshold of becoming a science. there is plenty of empirical evidence supporting tele-kinesis and other paranormal phenomena, including the telepathy that you have reported. not all people have these sensitivities. so, you may be a lucky exception. please keep a record of your experiences, and consult a good psycho-analyst.

  3. I had that with a girl friend once, it's great!  

    Good luck!

    Hope it lasts.

  4. I had the same thing with my partner and still do...first time i ever experienced such things / connections with a was magic...Now that he is gone, its still there, i kind of know him better now....its really strange...enjoy it, cause it wont happen with everyone...It may only ever happen with one make most of it....and they say telepathy doesnt

    I think you have to experience it to believe in it.....

  5. In my younger days I can remember feeling the same as you.I was to embarrassed to tell anyone about it.I kept my sappy feelings to myself.I've never regretted it.

  6. my husband and i read each others thoughts all the time. my mom is really good at reading thoughts. when i was a kid i would envision sharp, bright static to block her. years later my sister and i discussed this and she told me that she used to block her by picturing cartoons playing over and over. now my mom will say to me i saw this dress the other day... (and pause) she then pictures the dress in her mind, and i see it exactly as she did, it used to be freaky, now it's natural.

  7. My bf and i are the same way!  I swear i can think something and he does it... it is the same for him!  We live close and see each other daily, but it still happens, especially when we have been apart for while!  I cant explain it, but I wont complain aobut it!!!!!!!

  8. You don't.  You are experiencing a phenomenon known as confirmation bias.

    You remember the times you happened to guess your girlfriend's mood correctly (by coincidence), but forget all the times you didn't.

  9. I'm the same with my partner aswell. For years we have spoken to eachother telepathically.

    Enjoy what you's beautiful.

  10. My husband and I are telepathically linked as well. And we live in the same house and always have since we got together. We finish each others sentences. We almost always know exactly what the other one is thinking and think the same exact things, word for word at the same exact time. Neither of us can conceal any type of feelings from the other, not for long at least. It is almost as if how brains are networked to one another. If he is at work and I think of calling him, he calls me within a couple minutes and vice versa, somehow we just know. We get bad feelings when something is wrong with the other. We also get bad feelings about things for the other way before it ever happens. We think most of the same things are funny and like most of the movies the other likes. And this only gets stronger and stronger over time. We share most of the same beliefs and ideas on any subject you can think of. I truly believe that we are soul mates.

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