
I have a messed up Birthchart lol too many different things about me. What you think?

by  |  earlier

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I have some strange Signs in everything, makes me a weird unique person I think....

I'm an Aries. Tell me what you think of what I have. Good? Bad?*x=&d1day=26&d1month=3&d1year=1990&d1hour=16&d1min=30&adjust=6&citylist=Temple%2C+TX+%2848%29%2C+United+States&lang=en




  1. you have quite a few scorpio traits, sun, moon, mercury all in 8th house . . . you may feel you have scorpio sun, moon and mercury traits aswell as aries traits

    with your sun in 8th you are very intuitive, unergo many transformations and regenerations all your life, and have the ability to move on after going through any trauma . . . with you moon in 8th you have intense emotions, hate superficiality, and dig down to the heart of things . . . no matter what personal sacrifice. you may feel psychic at times, your very suspicious and jealous . . . with you mercury in 8th, your intensely curious, analytical and probing of all people, you love to know people strenghts and weaknesses and knowing what makes them tick, you have a mind of an investigator, this is like having mercury in scorpio- i have this this :) yor very blunt and opinionated, and your words leave a mark on others . . .

    you've probably been through alot in your life, and felt things hard . . . :(

    although you have aries and aquarius in your chart, you are very sensitive, with your venus and mars in 6th house, you like to serve in relationships, and feel you have a duty towards them, its not always about the sel centred stereotype of aries, as you like being there for others too . . . inside you a nurturer . . . in the workplace you put all your energy in to your project, you'll have to have a lot of patience with co workers, as you seem to have very little of it, you prefer doing things your way . . .

    your jupiter in 10th makes you very lucky and successul in your careers, you'll do best in working with people less fortunate than you, you're probably very popular with people o high authority, such as your boss, your generous, a natural teacher, you may have a desire to work abroad, or have an interest in religion as a career . . .

    your chart is very interesting . . . ! these aspects stood out to me . . .

  2. The only "weird" thing would be the Virgo Rising.  Your personal planets are all in Aries and Aquarius.  Aries and Aquarius are actually compatible signs so I don't think it's that strange but then again I am an Aquarius with an Aries moon so I don't really find anything strange AND I'm totally partial to Aries people. LOL

    You are probably a very passionate excitable person but that Virgo Rising probably makes you seem serious and analytical.  

    I like you chart and I don't find it strange at all.

  3. You should post you birth info rather than a link.  Most people know it is a bad idea to click on links here.

  4. Aries basic trait...egocentric

    Aquarius basic trait...aloof

    Virgo basic trait...critical analysis

    You get a fault finding, self centered, emotionally distant man with a quick temper who is sensitive to imagined slights.

    This same guy is loyal to his friends, will protect the weak and infirm (his protect and serve attitude makes for a great cop), can lead , follow or get out of the way as required although he prefers to lead.

    A woman involved with him had better be able to entertain herself, because he is not about meeting her social needs...sexual yes, but on his terms of course.

  5. c'mon there Buddy. snap out of this depression stuff. Mercury is your ruler and stop being too darn critical with yourself. That's why you are on the dark side and stuff. Mercury in 8th and in Aries. Your brain is working overtime and not getting paid for it.

    You analze too much and the problem here is to stop analyzing your feelings and live them. You are burning yourself out. Take a litttle SPA and relax. That should cool the fire in you LOL...

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