
I have a micro teaching on Monday and need help making an activity for a poem?

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this is a music class i cant figure out anything to go with this poem?? any ideas your help would be greatly appreciated.

Spider, spider, spin your web

And try to catch that nasty gnat

Do your job and do it well

But stay away from that nasty cat!




  1. Some ideas:

    Spider Web Painting

    Place an 8x8 inch square of white construction paper in a gift box lid.  Dip a marble in black paint and drop it onto the paper.  Roll the marble around by tilting the lid.  Repeat as many times as desired to create a spider web.  Add a spider sticker or glue on a plastic spider.  These can also be done with white paint on a black background.

    Glittery Spider Webs

    Using thin lines of white glue, make a spider web design on black posterboard.  Sprinkle with silver glitter and let dry.  Make a tiny hole near the center of the web, and attach a plastic spider ring to a 12 inch string or piece of fishing wire.  Thread the string through the hole (from front to back) and tape the end to the back of the picture.  Allow the spider to hang down from the web, leaving a silk line.  When he senses danger, pull the string from the back of the board, returning the spider to safety.

    Lacy Spider Webs

    Using thin lines of white glue, make a spider web design on a sheet of wax paper.  Sprinkle with glitter, if desired.  When dry, carefully peel away the wax paper.  These can be used in other projects, or hung in the window.

    Paper Plate Spiders

    Paint paper plates black.  When dry, add eight legs made of 1x18 inch construction paper, folded accordian style.

    Younger children especially enjoy making these.

    Thumbprint Spiders

    Let the kids make a picture with lots of thumbprint spiders (press thumb on black stamp pad, then add legs with thin black marker).  They can put their spiders in webs, in the garden, in the house, etc.  A great springboard for writing spider stories.

    Circle Time Spider Web

    During circle time, hand a ball of yarn to one student and have them toss it to another student.  Holding the yarn firmly, that student tosses the yarn to another child.  Repeat until everyone has had a turn.  Be sure to take pictures of your great spider web!  This can also be done in a corner of the room, tying the yarn to furniture, drawer and cabinet k***s, etc.  Another fun variation is to make a web and let students untangle it.

    If you want a circle game, how about a variation of this game:Dr. Mix-Up

    All the girls stand in a circle, holding hands. Select one or two girls to be "Dr. Mix-Up"... they leave the room for a moment. When they're gone, everyone else does their best to get tangled up, by climbing over arms, under legs etc., without letting go of their neighbours' hands. When the circle is suitably tangled, everyone yells "Dr. Mix-Up! Come and fix us!". The Dr. Mix-Ups then come in and try to untangle the circle by directing individuals to go under arms, around bodies, etc. This game is also an excellent 30-second game or Co-operative game.

    The kids in the circle are the spiders. Instead of a dr., have one child stand in the middle and be the gnat and try to untangle the "web" so he/she can get out.

    Or did you just want a fingerplay/action rhyme sort of thing? With the first line, children could spin around. Second line, clasp hands together like catching something. Third line, shake finger admonishingly. Fourth line, throw hands up in air like scared.

    Any chance you can change the word "nasty"? I just dislike the word, personally. The first one I'd substitute "little" and the second I'd substitute "hungry" or "scary". Jmo.

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