
I have a mild case of CP can I drive a car?

by  |  earlier

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I am 15 (soon to be 16) and I have a mild case of CP cerebral palsey and I have a hard time with hand and eye cooderination and a right foot thats been turned outward because of the CP will I still be able to drive a car?




  1. Yes, you should be.  My best friend was born CP; he is now 70 years old.  He drove a specially-equipped van, with controls he could move with his only functional arm.

    I am sure you would have to pass a drivers exam.  But nothing is impossible with the right spirit.  Good luck!

  2. if you can pass the test complete the answers and pass the test ya sure can

  3. Yes you can but you will need a note from your doctor and you must carry it with you at all times and good luck.

  4. I say yes!

    if you have someone thats calm and patient with you, you should be able to drive in no time. I was born with CP also and now have a drivers license. It may be hard at times, just never give up.

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