
I have a mild fear of flying, and I have a 6 hour flight in 10 days, What can help me throught the 6 hrs?

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Any suggestions?




  1. Drink yourself into a coma during the flight.

  2. Hi, i believe that sleeping pills are not the way. Once i had a friend who took sleeping pills aft he boarded the plane, but couldnt wake up aft the plane lands. We ended up calling a wheelchair for him.

    From my opinion, do something that takes your mind away. Listening to music, watch some movies or read a book. Play some games even, have a cup of ice old beer and go to sleep.(naturally)

    i hope it helps, flying isnt really scary, try to enjoy it cos i did.

    =] good luck!!

  3. I had the fear of flying when I was 15, and believe me it shivers a lot especially on take -offs and you're 20,000 ft above the ground. I thought it would always be like that but it didn't because I got used to it. It merely takes time to adjust and be accustomed. Now I prefer to take the plane than by boat, its  more comfortable. I stick it to myself that if its your time to leave this world, wherever you are, you'll have to go. Fear is just in the mind.

  4. Xanax

  5. if possible stay up forever before your flight, and take a couple of sleeping pills when you get on the plane, and sleep through the whole flight...

    i have a tremendous fear of flying, they only way you could possibly even get me on a plane would be to sedate me and put me on it while unconscience....

  6. When i went on a plane from manchester to florida it took 9 hours i was scared and thaught that the plane would get hijacked i love planes though and want to be a pilot                             take a book that you can fall into and chat to the cabin attendants         good luck

  7. Realize that aviation has a perfect record,................. we haven't left one up there yet.

    Your more likely to be struck bu lightening 6 times then to bi injured in the crash of an aircraft, do you hide from thunderstorms?

    Relax is most likely the safest thing you will do that day.  Here is another funny one for you.  More people die in bathtubs each year then in plane crashes, you still wash don't you?

  8. This is what I say to myself whenever I get on a plane.  It has served me well so far.




    "At anytime of the day there are thousands of airliners in the sky.  .  I'd have to be the most self centered jaded person imaginable to think that something bad is going to happen just because I'm on a plane."......  I should get over myself."


    I throw that last part in as a mental slap in the face.

    Works for me.


  9. Read the black box reports You will feel real safe

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