
I have a million questions about running! Please help answer them.?

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I am a teen who has decided to do a fitness overhaul. I am 15 and at one point was a fitness fanatic. I use to run however stopped when the winter came and never started back up. I am overweight and tired of it. I want to get back to my stats. I use to run a mile in under 8 minutes! I still do indoor cardio like jumping jacks, jumprope, steps, etc. However i want to be able to get back to my regular fitness. I want to be able to run again but when i try i feel terrible pain and it is very defeating. My breathing and posture are fine its just the pain while exercising because after i dont feel any.(weird) I would greatly appriciate it if i could have tips and advice on how to beat this pain, lose this weight and get back my stats. I would even do a camp if it would help. I live in the Stone mountain ,Ga area. Also cost and motivation are key factors. I use to run in school but since school has let out i cant run as much. Any help and advice given will be greatly appriciated.

thank you




  1. where specifically is the pain?

  2. what kind of pain.

    I recommend you just commit to workout every single day, and do whatever you can, below the level of pain of course

  3. Although it may seem like your weight is keeping you from your goal of enjoying running (and or other fitness activities)like you used to - it doesn't have to be. You can lose weight while enjoying a good jog around a park or around your neighborhood.

    The key for you sounds like you just need to break it down to smaller challenges and or goals and above all else staying clear of overdoing it - especially when it comes to running.

    I suggest doing stretching excercises before you run that are LIGHT (just to where you feel it but NOT painful) and start out SLOW and even more important than stretching before is stretching after. In fact many runners jog first for about ten minutes, stretch, run and then finish with stretching some more. You will be running like you used to before you know it AND your weight will not even be something you have to even think about. GOOD LUCK.

  4. Yes breaking it into jog stretch jog and finish stretching is a good idea. Could also add jog/walk into the routine till you get fitter. At your age you may be still growing so joint pain could be this.

  5. Alright man, you SOUND pretty serious about this and in order to get back your "stats" you have to BE serious about it. For your pain do like 15 jumping jacks before you stretch and STRETCH WELL!!!!! Then once you are done all out sprint for 30 seconds then jog for 2 minutes then repeat as many times as physically possible ..... If their is no space or something stupid like that do the same thing but do suicides instead of the straight sprints... But i warn you this will take a lot of will power to do keep your mind focused on your goal and keep driving. Lastly, just don't sprint put everything into it keep focused on just driving forwards.

                    "When you  don't hustle you're only fooling yourself"

    That doesn't go perfectly with what I'm saying but you know what I'm saying.... Hope you stick with this plan

    P.S. for your "million questions" just keep asking I promise I'll answer them all

  6. well, you should always stretch before you exercise so that could be why your feeling pain, be sure to stretch a lot before running.

  7. ok the first thing you should do is strech before everytime you

    start your cardiovascular workout and after you finish it                                                                                                                                                                                                            

    so you should strech before and after your cardoivascular


    and watever pain you feel on any muscle

    its fine and normal its just that your body is trying to improve and strengthen your muscles

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